Our Comprehensive School was founded in 1995/96. It is set up of three schools: Satriano di Lucania , S.Angelo Fratte and Savoia di Lucania; each school has a kindergarten, a primary school and a secondary school of first grade. In 1998 Satriano di Lucania Comprehensive School aggregates school of S.Angelo le Fratte and in 2016 aggregates schools of Savoia di Lucania. Today it has a school population of 394 students, a teacher's staff of 54 and technical and auxiliary administrative staff of 10 units. The POF, Plan for Education, is the basic document, ID card, cultural and planning plan of the school and the explicit curriculum design, extracurricular, educational and organizational project that each school adopts in Autonomy and new directions for the curriculum and subsequent amendments. Our school community has operated in time choices in favour of the younger generation, which allow you to direct the planning of the school in the direction of a constant and shared process of improvement and strengthening of its intervention in favour of children and girls, girls and boys belonging to the territorial community of which the school is the fundamental centre of cultural education and human and social development. Given all this, one cannot regardless of the essential nature of the school in our legal system and in the best pedagogical tradition: that of an educational community of public nature. An educational community that, as educates, can never forget to be itself "in education", that is a historical process of growth and quality development, which covers both the establishment in its functional and organizational aspects, as the same subjects that animate it and that, with their intelligent design and acting, and most effective, in time and in social and cultural context in which it operates. A public school, therefore, a community that educates and who is in education in the service not only of individual citizens and their special needs, but the entire community. A community that asks sharing horizons and consistency of commitment, shared responsibility and participation not only in the choice of solutions, but the very definition of the problems to be solved, whose ideal model is a participatory democracy, towards which directed with patience and passion, step by step, making debt treasure the inevitable limitations and errors. Each school, however small and device, helps to form a democratic society of knowledge, in which knowledge itself is not for personal gain but for the benefit, welfare, human development, the full realization of the entire community. The school of the future is before a difficult challenge and a great task, not enough to transmit knowledge, it must provide a living and culture in touch with the real existence of each, in his individual and social-historical dimension; culture that can, over time long training, turn into knowledge and personal competence, authentic intelligent and critical autonomy capacity, the base of each active citizenship, free and responsible, as a life that is research and continuous learning and therefore worth living. Our school favors additional mediators to verbal code to support the teaching activities (presentation lens, recall and establishment of the prerequisites of knowledge and skills necessary for the new learning, presentation of the learning task, verification exercises, formative assessment) and learning activities (research, production of maps, plans, projects, documents and multimedia products, presentations ...). • Curator of rich learning environments and dynamic stimuli that directly and actively involving students. Physical environments and their organization (classroom setting, materials, exhibitions of work produced by pupils, concept maps, presentations, posters, collections, equipped corners. ...) are significant of classroom life and the active processes that are realized in it. • Pay attention to the class relationship management mode where it encounters repeated inappropriate behavior and trouble for review and test new approaches with the support and suggestions of colleagues who have experienced effective educational strategies to stem the reported problems. This is in consideration of the fact that not always the use authority attract the expected that, on the contrary, very often, are obtained with the authority. We have improved the quantity and quality of technological equipment in order to implement the use of new digital technologies to achieve the educational and organizational goals through PON projects financed by the European Union • We facilitated the internal and external communication to the school by enhancing the use of the corporate website from around the institute's staff. communication between stakeholders in the school are made through the website, is not used paper. • Plan Academics Triennale consistent with the learning targets and expected skills and set by the National Guidelines for 2012 curriculum with the needs the local context and the particular instances of users of the school and the region. • The priorities, goals and objectives identified in the self-evaluation report (SER) and the resulting in the improvement plan referred to article 6, paragraph 1 of the Decree of the President 03/28/2013 80 of the Republic shall be an integral part of the Plan. • Consider priority skills development in the field of active citizenship and democratic through the development of training courses related to education health, environment, legality, in support of responsibility, the solidarity, care for common goods and awareness of rights and duties, including through active cooperation strategies between school and territory. • To prevent and combat early school leaving, all forms of discrimination and bullying, also computerized, with activities aimed at the enhancement of school inclusion and the right to the educational success of all students; the educational and special educational care for Pupils with special educational needs (B.E.S.) through individualized pathways and customized with the support and collaboration of the social - health services and Educational of the territory and industry associations. • Enhance and strengthen the language skills with particular reference to Italian and to the English language, also through CLIL. . Etwinning : I am, you are, we are all European • Promote and strengthen the mathematical-logical and scientific expertise. • Strengthen literacy courses and Italian language training as second through courses and workshops for students of citizenship or not Italian, as organized in collaboration with local authorities, with the contribution of the community Originally, families and cultural mediators. • Identify pathways and functional systems to rewarding and promotion of merit. • To develop the digital skills of the students with special regard to the thought computational, conscious and critical use of social networks and media as well as the production and links with the world of work. • Promote training initiatives, aimed at students of secondary school to promote awareness of first aid techniques, in compliance school autonomy, in cooperation with the territorial emergency service '118' of the NHS and the contribution of the realities of the territory. • Enhance the school system, ensuring an active community, open to the territory and able to develop and increase interaction with families and with the local community, promoting the afternoon opening of schools with the strengthening of laboratory methodologies inherent musical culture, the history of art and motor disciplines in the service of actions inspired to a healthy lifestyle.