HIGH SCHOOL - Jean-Pierre Timbaud
High School Jean-Pierre Timbaud is located in Brétigny-sur-Orge, 35 km far away from south of Paris. Our high school depends on Versailles Education Authority and offers :
- general training : literature, Mathematics, Physics, Economics - technological training : energy and environment, architecture and construction, management, communication, marketing
- vocational training : topography, building, surveyor - senior technicians' sections : building, surveyor, geometry
- European sections in various subjects (Mathematics, Technology, Sciences, History and Geography), in which students have chosen to get the European distinction with their diploma.
In each training, there are some pupils doing sports (football, judo, rugby ) on higher national or regional level. Our establishment contains 1300 pupils and 229 members of staff, and proposes a boarding school for 248 students. The students of the school come from different parts of the urban area of Brétigny sur Orge, and belong to different social classes. Even if the establishment is not classified in ZEP (area targeted for special help in education), some pupils live in disadvantaged districts. Since September 2013, the high school welcomes an UPE2A (pedagogical unit for newcomers in France) and make up pupils between 16 and 18 years old for improving their skills in French. The main goal is to integrate them in a classical classroom like a French native pupil.. Our school council approves the cooperation with other schools in Europe through travels, exchanges, cooperations. During this school year our high school has the ambtion of being an ecological responsable high school. And since September 2015, different workshops have been made with students and teachers. So, different results have been realized : creation of a catch-phrase, posters with rules for having better behaviors with environment.
For several years, our establishment develops its international opening through travels, exchanges, eTwinning projects, Erasmus projects, presented below :
Travels (2000-2016)
-In England for a discovery of the culture and the lifestyle of the English pupils.
-In England as continuation of the project eTwinning "Enigmathics II". Linguistic and cultural discovery: guided tour of Bletchley Park, center of decoding during the Second World War.
-In Rome and Venice for the pupils choosing Italian in 3rd language.
-French-Turkish cultural exchange with the high school Pierre Loti of Istanbul organized in 2011-2012 and 2012-2013.
-French-Indian cultural exchange with the Fergusson College de Pune over the period 2000 to 2006.
A collaboration is made with a school in England : Feltham Academy. English pupils will visit our school in April 2016 and they are already working with our students about letters of soldiers during First World War.
ETwinning projects
- "Who wants to be a scientist?". The project consists in creating a board game around Physics and Chemistry in English. It will be made up of cards with clues about great scientists, famous theories or experiments, scientific objects (telescope ...). Spanish, Portuguese, Italian partners. https://twinspace.etwinning.net/10219/home
- "landsurveyors without borders". how to discover your own country through games."" Italian partner http://issuu.com/1eres1/docs/landsurveyors_book?e=2855219/12511054
- "Enigmathics II" the Second edition of the project (2013-2014). The pupils of 2nd learn the history of the cryptography and the different methods of codings. Romanian, Polish and Turkish partners.
- " Different but still the same " project of cultural exchange on several subjects (school, hobbies, music). Polish, Turkish, Spanish, Italian partners.
- "What's next? Collaborative short-stories about cultural shock ". Writing new collaborative and diverse productions from the best news. Italian partners.
- "Planning our sustainable town." Creating a virtual town meeting the needs of sustainable development (2010-2013). Greek partners.
- "Enigmathics" Polish and Romanian partners. This project was awarded the National Award eTwinning 2013 high school class.
- "Almanach" English and Spanish partners. Project awarded the European Quality Label.
- "amiTIES" Norwegian Partners, US.
- "What's next? "Italian partners.
- "Tell me what you eat ..." Polish and Lithuanian partners.
- "Learning English through Cooking: an interdisciplinary approach to Lunch" - Italian partner.
- "Me, Myself and My Social Networks" - Norvegian partner.
Jules Verne programme (2014-2015)
During school year 2014-2015, a teacher participated in a Jules Verne exchange where he taught design and technology in a college close to London (DULWICH COLLEGE).
Erasmus projects (2014-2016)
- One financed project on Erasmus+, KA2- Strategic partnership in schools : WATER AND ITS MAGICAL POWER. Five schools are involved : Romania, Greece, Czech Republic, Bulgaria and Spain.
- One financed project on Erasmus+ KA1 - Mobility project for school education staff : "Planning the opening of European sections" proposed by our school includes seven teachers in various subjects (Mathematics, Technology, Sciences, History and Geography) for 2 years. The short-term objective is to pass the DNL Certification for all the participants, which is compulsory to teach a non linguistic subject in a foreign language. The mobility activities chosen are trainings about CLIL (Content and Language Integrated Learning) which meet all ours needs (improving our English language skills, acquiring new education methods and tools for teaching our subject in English, discovering other cultures and education systems...). Those trainings, which are last two weeks in the United Kingdom, are also allow to meet teachers from all over Europe and plan to do other European exchanges. During the next two years, we are going to merge our skills and experiences in order to plan and to offer an attractive and motivating teaching for our students who have chosen to get the European distinction with their diploma. We are still communicate about our activities and European exchange projects during our meetings with other teachers or parents and using our online website. We are also continue our Etwinning projects and the discovery of other ways of life through travels abroad. The aim of this project is to enhance our teaching skills and to create a new dynamic in our high school and to offer more efficient and motivating contents to our students