1st Learning and teaching activity in Ljubljana/Slovenia (dec4 to dec 10 2016)

  • It was a great day at the seaside in Slovenia!♥♥♥ 

    Hands on activities in the chemistry lab!

    School outside - learning and practicing!

    Being active in the gym at the Winter Olympics!

    Teachers' workshop: evaluation of the 1st project week; outlook and planning of the next mobility

    The rest of the photos can be seen on this link: https://photos.google.com/share/AF1QipMmenN4sD_0-ordU39lMUuIKsGSnUJNf2ovbfl_4lihuF9clfpCii9s0nY7cqBS_A?key=VmNZemZaa0JFMGlvZ3VPRFlmNjg1LW5fdEtHZVhn