Solving mathematical problems

  • This morning in my school......3th class Pontecorvo - Italy


    Students of Pontecorvo in Italy, tried to solve the test problems and wrote their questions in the forum. Greek teachers answered their questions.

    The teacher Anna Rita Recchia wrote in the forum: 

    The Italian student Tommaso has a question

      Il quesito di Gregor era ambiguo poco chiaro.....Gregor question was ambiguous and unclear

    The Greek teacher Linda Alexopoulou answered:

    Gregor wants to form two three-digit numbers with the digits 1,2,3,4,5,6. He wants to use each digit once. Gregor wants to have the largest sum of two numbers. He must use the two larger numbers as hundreds (ie the numbers 5 and 6). Then he will use the next two numbers as tens (ie 3 and 4). Finally, he will use the two smaller numbers as units (1 and 2). 642 + 531 or 632 + 541 or 641 + 532. Thus, the sum is 1173.