Meetings in Trabzon,Turkey


    We have done our first meeting with our project partners on 13th of  February. We learned about the contect and process of the project.



    We have done a meeting about a planing with teachers and our students on 14th of February.



    First of all, we received parent permission petitions from our students.



    We have uploaded our project code of conduct.

    Our Project Code Of Contuct


    Before we start our activities about 'The Fellowship Of Maths' we applied  a pre-test questionnaire to our project members.


     Etwinning student pro-test

    Etwinning parents pro-test

    Etwinning teacher pro-test


    We published the results and analyzes of the pre-test we applied to our parents, students and teachers. E-book was prepared by naz.b.vfl using Web 2.0 tools.

    The Fellowship of Maths pre test result.pdf


    We had our first meeting 17th of February at scholl. We talked about the subject of our project, what we will do and our other project partner.



    we designed a logo for our projecet 18th of February. Our school's logo was prepared by gökce.ceren.vfl using Web 2.0 tools.



    On 19th of February we have uploaded our school introductary video. Also aslıhan.vfl has prepared a brochure, using Web 2.0 tools to introduce our district.


    Our school's introductary link


    We introduced it with school information and photos. İnformation by elif.ı.vfl, Aslıhan.g.vfl, Sudenaz.a.vfl., Cemre.y.vfl, Nurdane.t.vfl. Informations have been made an e-book by Ceyhun.vfl using Web 2.0 tools on 19th of February. The link of the e-book is below.




    We have designed logos as partners for our The Fellowship Of Maths project logo. We prepared a questionnaire with all of the logos and chose the logo with the most votes on 20th of February. A logo that was designed by "burak dgn" from Ahmet Erdem Anatolia High School was declared first place. Congratulations to our student.

    Our school's logo was prepared by gökce.ceren.vfl using Web 2.0 tools.

    The logos have been made into an e-book by naz.b.vfl. using Web 2.0 tools on 23th of February.





    We had a meeting with all our students on 21th of February.The students expressed their ideas about the magazine's design.




    An introductory poster was prepared by our student gökce.ceren.vfl to disseminate our project. we prepared a board with this poster on 23th of February in our school. We also published the news that our project has started on our school's website.


    News of our project on the school website




              1ST MAGAZİNE


    We have done our planing meeting for our first magazine with our students on 25th of February. As Vakfıkebir Science High School, we will prepare 5 pages about Math and Nature subject. Our students will prepare their writings about the subjects they have chosen.


    Our school's cover was prepared by zumra.vfl using Web 2.0 tools on 2nd of march.


    Our 1st magazine was published on 11th of March


    The Fellowship Of Maths-1.pdf


    We shared that our 1st magazine was published on our school website.


    1st magazine news


    We hung the section prepared by our school in the 1st magazine on our school board on 16th of March. Also, The Maths And Nature section was made into an e-book by karan.vfl .



    The Fellowship Of Maths. Maths and nature.pdf




    As Vakfıkebir Science High School we have celebrated 14th of March, Pi Day in our School with preparing a lot of presentations. Our goal in these activities were to develop our students research, thinking and group work. We also aimed to increase their interest in mathematics. We have also invited The 8th grade students in our district to The events we did. The invitation was prepared by our friend whose username is Eren. Afterwards, we shared our presentations on our school's website. The invitations we prepared and our School website link is located below.


    LİNK Pi Day Events İn Our School


    We made an e-book for the 1st magazine from the covers prepared by the project partners. E-book was made by yılmaz.vfl using web 2.0 tools.



    1st magazine covers.pdf




    We have done a meeting for 2nd magazine with on 14th of March.



    We had a meeting 18th of March at scholl. We talked about the subject of our project, what we will do. We will prepare the lives of 3 Turkısh Mathematicians and art of pi.


    Our school's cover was prepared by gökce.ceren.vfl using Web 2.0 tools on 22nd of march.



              Our 2nd magazine was published on 28th of March




              We shared that our 2nd magazine was published on our school website.


              2nd magazine news


    We hung the section prepared by our school in the 2nd magazine on our school board.


    Also, 'Pi and Mathematicians' section was made into an e-book by ceyhun.b.vfl


    The Part We Prepared In The 2nd Magazine_ The Life of 3 Turkish Mathematicians And The Art Of Pi.pdf


    We made an e-book for the 2nd magazine from the covers prepared by the project partners. E-book was made by yılmaz.vfl using web 2.0 tools.


    E twinning volume 2 covers.pdf





    We held a meeting on 8th of April for our last magazine. We talked about the work we will do in our 3rd magazine.


    Our school's cover was prepared by gökce.ceren.vfl using Web 2.0 tools on 10nd of march.


    Our 3rd magazine was published on 28th of April.


    We shared that our 2nd magazine was published on our school website.


    3rd magazine news


    We hung the section prepared by our school in the 3nd magazine on our school board.


    'Prejudices about maths' section was made into an e-book by ceyhun.b.vfl



    pdf (2).pdf





    E twinning volume 3 covers.pdf


    At the end of the our project, we had a kahoot competition with our students.


    Kahoot contest news link




    We published the results and analyzes of the finaly-test we applied to our     parents, students and teachers. E-book was prepared by karan.vfl using  Web 2.0 tools.





    We held an evaluation meeting at the end of our project. We talked abaout the process and results of the project. We thank everyone for their work.






     Newspaper article of our project


    Task distribution of our school students in the project

    görev dağılımı.pdf


    Sections we prepared in magazines