
    1) Each school will design at least two logos for our project because each school will nominate two logos for the finals.

    2) The logo should have a SQUARE shape. 

    3) Your logo must be original - no downloads from the Internet. Of course that you can use various ICT tools (like Canva, SketchPad etc.) for creating your logo. 😉

    4) Download your project logos that you nominate into finals in our MATERIALS: "PROJECT LOGO - FINALS".

    5) Download the rest of your logos, logos that you don´t nominate as your two FINAL LOGOS into the folder "PROJECT LOGO - not the finals" for the others to admire what you designed in your school.

    6) Don´t forget to name/label the photos, e.g. "(Name of school) Czech Republic" so that it is clear where the logos are from. 


    After all the logos are designed and posted, each school will choose two best ones in a secret voting. Of course you cannot vote for your own logo

    The winner of this competition will be our official logo for the project. 


    Deadline: 1 April 2022