
  • Well manners on the Internet

    Because well manners counts, let's think a little bit and create our own code! Basic rules to be polite when communicating or collaborating.

    1. Click on "Add item"

    2. Insert your name, school and rule for the Netiquette

    3. You can add a representative link.



    Think twice (Miriam Salinas IES MEDINA ALBAIDA, Spain)

    When posting something, think twice. By this way, you will be able to express yourself in a polite way. Because words matters!

    Check Your Facts (Reyhan Yılmaz, Yaşar Doğu Secondary School, Turkey)

    Always check the things you see on the internet. Not everything is true on the internet and you need to do research on so-called news to check if they are true or not before you share them.

    Watch out privacy!Burcu GÜNEŞ, Munis Faik Ozansoy Secondary School, Turkey

    While posting something on the social media platforms, do we really care about privacy rules? We should consider privacy of our own, our family, students and friends. We must ask for permission before we share a photo. Sharing is good unless you cross the line.


    If you want to be safe in the social nets because we dont know what things we can find on the net, you can put all your accounts of social media like instagram in private, so you can check who want to follow you and be your friend

    THINK (Demertzi Filio 2nd Junior High School Ehedorou, Greece)

    It is advisable before we share something and before we answer, to follow THINK. So, let us ask ourselves
    Is it true?
    Is it helpful?
    Is it inspiring?
    Is it necessary?
    Is it kind?

    Be careful what you post. (Samuel de Diego, IES Medina Albaida, Spain)

    You must be careful what content you post on social medias because there are people that might want to exploit you. Also, if you post photos of other people they will get offended if you don't ask them.

    Content type (Jorge Laguna, Spain, IES Medina Albaida)

    You have to think about the content you are going to upload before uploading it and know who can see it and if it is necessary to filter content. Check your videos twice before uploading it becouse you can have problems if you upload inappropriate videos or images and you should now who can see your uploads.

    Luis Beltrán(I.E.S. Medina Albaida)

    We must check if the web is safe and read privacy settings

    Are you surfing in safe places? (Jimena Valenciano, IES Medina Albaida)

    Before surfing in a place you don't know, you have to know what place you are browsing. There are some places that couldn't be safe, and some contents are not apropiated, sometimes people don't think how things that they post can affect to other peolple.

    Where are you posting?(David Neacsu, IES Medina albaida)

    There are many pages on the net, and all these pages have different ideas, you can't post things with another purpose, because they can be offended. There are many people in the net and some of them could be dangerous, and they can also want to use your post with bad ideas.

    Who are you chatting with? (David Suleiman, IES Medina Albaida)

    Think if you know the person you are chatting with. Try not to give information to people you don't know on photos or chats, giving much information on the net can be dangerous.

    RESPECT THEIR OPINION. Hugo Aguirre (Spain).

    You must respect their decision and do not post the content unless they're happy for you to do so.
    Think about the consecuences of going against what they opine.
    How would you feel if you were in the same situation?

    Consent (Alexandra Porojan IES MEDINA ALBAIDA, Spain)

    If you're going to post again a photo of another person, you must have the consent of that person.

    Safety Rules for the Internet(Irini Kaisidou 2nd Junior High school Ehedorou,Greece

    First, keep Personal Information (Professional and Limited)
    Keep Your Privacy Settings On.
    Practice Safe Browsing
    Make Sure Your Internet Connection is Secure
    Be Careful What You Download.
    Choose Strong Passwords.
    Make Online Purchases From Secure Sites.
    Be Careful What You Post.

    Rules of the internet (Dimitris Kagelaris 2nd junior high school echedorou)

    First of all:
    Do not click on random links
    Do not share too personal information with random people
    Do not pirate movies/games/music from sketchy websites because you could potentially download a virus

    Manners (Aggelos Koutas 2nd Junior High School Ehedorou, Greece) Junior High School Ehedorou,Greece

    We should not treat others in a way that we would not want to be treated! As socially they concern all our social gatherings and not only the online ones.

    Sophia Egounian/2nd Junior High School Ehedorou, Greece

    Don't give personal information to strangers
    Use strong password
    Keep your social media accounts private
    Think twice before posting something

    2nd junior high school ehedorou, Greece, Dimitra Grammenidou

    We never accept a friend request or follow somebody that we don't know. Our parents must control who are our friends or our followers on social media.

    2nd junior high school ehedorou, Greece, Dimitra Georgiadou

    Name-calling, cursing, expressing deliberately offensive opinions on social media is very rude and can cause stress and agony to the people

    Andrianidis Dimitris, 2nd Junior High School Ehedorou Greece

    To feel safe on the internet:

    .Use secure websites that start with https:// ...
    .Do not enter information or click on pop ups in a website.
    .Enter your web address directly into the web browser
    .Check your online accounts regularly for unknown transactions

    Kyriaki Eleftheriadou/2nd Junior High School Ehedorou, Greece

    Text in all caps is generally perceived as yelling or shouting! Try to avoid it. And don't forget to say please and thank you!

    (Aggelos Agapidis 2nd Junior High School Ehedorou, Greece)

    If someone is in the room with you, stop talking on your phone or surfing the net and look at them. Don't answer your cell phone unless it is to tell the person on the other end that you will call them right back.

    Nick Alihanidis 2nd Junior High school ehedorou

    If you aren't sure of something you have read on the internet email it to someone who does know or can find out. Or do a search on Google or

    Lion Vartanov 2nd Junior High school ehedorou

    You should not publicly identify or post private information about someone especially as a form of punishment or revenge, a practice known as doxxing.

    Konstantina Almazidou 2nd Junior High School Ehedorou (Greece)

    Don't forward information sent to you without checking with the original sender first. Use BCC rather than CC if you are sending something out to more than one person. You should respect people's privacy.

    Sophia Istikoglou 2nd Junior High school Ehedorou, Greece

    Internet has power! But it's a good idea not to abuse this power or say things online that you may someday regret.

    Efthymia Giapoutzi 2nd Junior High School Ehedorou (Greece)

    Knowing where you’re writing — and your audience — is essential because online forums have their own rules. What’s good for one group may go against the mentality or rules of another

    Kopatsi Tzouliana 2nd Junior School Ehedorou Grecce

    Before start communicate and share your personal information better inform about this person check if his details and his photo are true. It is best not to share your personal information because you never know who is behind a screen. Stay safe!!

    ioannis koumpous ( 2nd Junior High School Ehedorou, Greece)

    1) Choose Strong Passwords
    2) Be Careful What You Post
    3) Be Careful Who You Meet Online
    4) Make Sure Your Internet Connection is Secure. Use a Secure VPN Connection
    5)Keep Your Antivirus Program Up To Date

    Kazantzidis Panagiotis (2nd Junior High School Ehedorou, Greece)

    You should avoid snooping around in someone's else's computer to find out information.You must khow that most times it can be tempting for others to try to gain access to your private information.

    Maximos Amanatidis 2nd Junior High Sxhool Ehedorou, Greece

    Don't upload photos or videos of other people without asking them first. They might be embarassed

    Atzemis Alexandros (2nd Junior High School Ehedorou, Greece)

    1)Avoid suspicious online links
    2)Keep your computer updated
    3)Beware of free Wi-Fi and downloads
    4)Double check online information
    5)Secure your internet connection with VPN
    6)Use cybersecurity software

    iliana Gkioulbaharyan /2nd Junior High School Ehedorou, Greece

    Copying someone elses work can violate copyright laws. In addition, saying someone did something when they didnt could harm their reputation.

    Athina Ananiadou (2nd Junior Highschool Ehedorou, Greece)

    Don't write personal information on your bio, also don't give your personal information if you don't know with who you chating.

    Adéla (Czech Republic)

    Netiquoette is the correct or accapable way of using internet. You need make real people a priority because nothing si more irritating than someone who spends all time with you on their phone. Use respectful language. It´s not just what you say but how you say it. Just don´t share indecent pictures. Choose friends wisely. Respect people's privacy. Don´t film them or take photos of them withount their permission. Don´t pull from them every single info. It´s probably not really comfortable. And also be kind to yourself and don´t sacrife yourself to others too much. It´s not healthy and It could do more harm then good.

    Johana (Czech Republic)

    Netiquette is set of rules for how behavior online.
    Some of rules:
    - Use respectful language
    - Respect people's privacy
    - Update online information
    - Make yourself look good online

    Lukáš (Czech Republic)

    Stop sending naked, drunk or drug use pictures or videos, you should keep in mind that if your parents, friends or police see them, you may have a lot of problems in future.

    Nikola (Czech Republic)

    Netiquette is a something like rules of good behavior. It has some rules. Like not copying texts from people and say they are yours.

    Kristýna (Czech Republic)

    Netiquette are rules of safe and polite working on internet. The most interesting rules for me: 1. Do not forget that on the other side of internet are also humans.
    2. Do respect privacy of others internet users.
    3. Do not spread hoaxes. Hoaxes are not welcome on the internet.
    4. Do not misuse copyrights.

    Tomáš (Czech Republic)

    Make Real People a Priority. Nothing is more irritating than trying to have a conversation with someone who is engrossed in their phone or computer. Share With Discretion. Avoid sending naked sext pictures, drunk pictures. Do not abuse your power or your knowledge.

    Tadeáš (Czech Republic)

    Choose Friends Wisely
    Choose your internet friends wisely you never know what kind of person they are. It can be a pedophile,trap or The Rock.

    A Word From Verywell
    It is easy to lose your sense of what is going on around you when you are using technology, but engaging directly with others is more important than ever.

    Aneta (Czech Republic)

    Netiquette can be described as the rules of good behavior on the Internet, there are rules that try to prevent various vulgarities and misunderstandings. There are enough rules, but we will only say 3, of what are most important from my point of view.1) Don't unleash flame wars and help keep them under control.2) Remember that at the other end are people, not a computer.3) Do not infringe copyright.

    Monika (Czech Republic)

    Netiquette is a summary of the general rules of good behaviour of users on the internet.
    Remember, there are people on the other end, not a computer.

    Lucie (Czech Republic)

    The important rule - Make yourself look good online.

    Spelling and grammar is the most important thing. Before you post something about someone, be sure that you know what you’re talking about because false information is really bad for you. If you make good content it’s too good for you.

    Aurora ( Orazio Nucula middle School )Italy

    Anything you post, share, comment and promote online can be easily shared even if your accounts are private. As? People who follow you can take a screenshot of your post or image on social media and can "share" it with their friends or post it online. While you may believe that you are only sharing your content with close friends, remember that this is not true.

    Aurora ( Orazio Nucula middle School )Italy

    Anything you post, share, comment and promote online can be easily shared even if your accounts are private. In wich way? People who follow you can take a screenshot of your post or image on social media and can "share" it with their friends or post it online. While you may believe that you are only sharing your content with close friends, remember that this is not true.

    Gabriele (Orazio Nucula middle school, Italy)

    Don't put private things on each social network, yours or others. THIS IS PRIVACY

    Andrea-Orazio Nucula-Middle School-Italy

    Before writing and posting on the Internet it would be better to think about it, and after having done it read it twice to understand if it is correct towards both the reader but also the people who are in the photo or who are talking about

    Camilla-Orazio Nucola-Italy

    words can hurt more than one soul

    Nicolas. O.Nucula

    You have to be careful about what you post or the comments you write. Respect others and be cautious. Be yourself and have fun

    Mario M. Orazio Nucola, Terni, Italy

    .Use secure websites that start with https:// ...
    .Do not enter information or click on pop ups in a website.
    .Check your online accounts regularly for unknown transactions

    Mattia M. 2h. Orazio Nucula Italy

    When you are online on social networks, do not post files and photos of other people because you cannot know if they could be disappointed, so always ask before posting something not yours!

    Anita ( O. Nucula, Italy )

    When you're on-line don't pur your privacy information on social media. Don't post your face, put a password and change it often.

    Flaminia-O.Nucula middle school- Italy

    Whenever we make a decision to post something online we need to be aware that there could be consequences we haven’t even thought about.

    Jacopo- Orazio Nucula Middle school- Italy

    When you post a comment or something else online, make sure you are correct in what you write, think twice before writing. And browse securely.

    Sara-O.Nucula-middle school-italy

    Use respactful language,respect people’s privacty be have ethically and responsibly

    Anna Maria ( O. Nucula middle school ) - italy

    When you publish something on the Internet you have to be careful what you write, many people might get offended or get angry. Better to talk or express your opinions with people you know well and you know how they can react.

    Maria Beatrice, Orazio Nucola, Italy

    people have feelings

    Lorenzo Orazio Nugola middle school . Italy

    Do not publish personal data and information on the web because many people could use them for scams or even to blackmail or ridicule you.

    Emma - Nucula middle school - Italy

    Posting private information about our life or others is not correct! Internet is very dangerous you risk being in contact with ill-intentioned people. Attention!

    Gianfilippo T. 2h. Orazio Nucula Italy

    The words we say every day are like feelings

    Asia Z. -O. Nucula, Italy-

    What to do to be safe online?
    First, check that the wifi is private, for
    be calm. Then, use an account with a
    strong password, to prevent someone
    can enter!

    Valentina-O.Nucula middle school

    When you are on the Internet, be careful, don't be rude with other people, don't do or say bad things, respect the privacy for live in pace with everyone!

    Alessandra B- 2h Orazio Nucula school Italy- 📲INTERNET RULES💻

    When using social media it is important to protect yourself and respect others. Don't give your personal information or passwords to strangers; do not write offensive comments to others or post photos of them without their permission. Be responsible!

    Alessandro-Orazio Nucula middle school-Italy

    When you are on the internet, you have to ask your friends for permission to post a photo with them. It is very important to respect the others privacy. It is also good not to talk  about the places frequented by other people.

    Alessandro F. Nucula school Italy

    when you are on social media you should be very careful about what you say because you have less self-control than when you speak out

    Aurora( Italy ) and Alexandra Porojan (Spain)

    In the challenge Alexandra and I had a bit of difficulty in resisting the temptation, but we managed, spending most of the time reading, a passion that unites us, being with our family and playing sports

    Melike (Yaşardoğu Secondary School /Turkey)

    Use respectful language when you text something
    Choose your friends wisely
    Respect people's privacy

    Veysel (Yaşar Doğu Secondary School/Turkey)

    Don't use clickbaits when you post something
    Respond mails quickly
    Use safe websites

    Zümra (Yaşar Doğu Secondary School/ Turkey)

    -Stick to the rules of conduct online that you follow in real life
    -Do you have a question about something? Then take the time to carefully read the answers in the previous discussion posts first.

    Nurcan (Yaşar Doğu Secondary School/ Turkey)

    -Be careful about punctuation and grammar
    -Send email or text in an appropriate time. don't be late!

    Hatice (Yaşar Doğu Secondary School/ Turkey)

    Use relevant topics
    Be kind to others
    Be careful about your source