




    Ice-breaking & collaboration activities        
    Presentation of Ubeda and IES Los Cerros Ana & Guadalupe      
    Combining coding & 3D printing Ana      
    Designing with FreeCAD (part & draft mode) Daniel    

    Freecad Project.pdf


    Logo in 3D with

    Inkscape and Freecad

    Laura & Alba    


    presentation greece freecad.pdf


    Music instruments with Freecad Guadalupe, María and Laura    

    Music instruments with Freecad.pdf


    Welcoming ceremony        
    Modeling collaboratively with Tinkercad Carlos and Benito    



    Terrain2stl María and Carlos    



    Thingiverse & Youmagine.com María    


    websites to download 3D designs (2).pdf


    Modeling monuments with Sketchup Adrián    

    komotini Tower.pdf







    Preparing 3D printing with Ultimaker Cura José Angel    

    Unidad Didáctica Ultimaker Cura.pdf


    Litophanes Gonzalo    



    Greek traditional dances        
    Greek traditional games        




              Úbeda - Komotini            


    Date:             June 27th to July the 1st 2022.

    Location:      Komotini

    Websites:     Ubeda: http://loscerros.org

                          Komotini: https://musicschoolofkomotini.weebly.com/


    Project: Twinspace: The 3D Printing adventure



    Aims: - Increasing the spectrum of the twinspace ‘3D Printing adventure’ 

               - Increasing linguistic and digital students' skills and self-esteem 

               - Fostering European collaboration

               - Contributing to the inclusion and visibility of special needs students


    Methodology: It will peer to peer methodology. Each of the Spanishh students will give a different workshop in front of the Grek students with some practice activities. The didactic units will be have been elaborated before the mobility and uploaded to twinspace in PDF format. In the same way, the Greek students will prepare workshops, presentations, guided tours and so on.



            * Designing with FreeCAD (part and draft mode) from the very scratch.

            * How to convert a JPG logotype for instance, Komotini school music logo in 3D with Inkscape and Freecad.

            * Showing our previous projects combining Arduino coding and 3D printing.

            * Preparing 3D printing with Ultimaker Cura for printing.

            * Modeling heritage with Sketchup.

            * Modeling with tinkerCAD (given by a special need student). 


    Special needs students workshops: The Spanish team will probably have one special needs student who will also present in one of the workshops. Greek special needs students will probably be the too.


    Common products (the 3D Printing adventure): 

            * Helping get common products done as the Lithophane lamp https://lithophanemaker.com/ and Jenga for the twinspace the ´3D printing adventure´.

            * Building musical instruments together at the same time in the same file with TinkerCAD, some of them could be printed and utilized to decorate a school wall. https://twinspace.etwinning.net/206969/pages/page/2072491


    Accommodation: The Greek team will try to host as many students as possible in local families.


    Cultural/leisure activities: Visit to the beach, inflatable planetarium, water rockets, sport activities, swimming, dance and Greek music.


    Social activities: The Greek team will do Ice-breaking activities. Spanish and Greek students will be in contact with each other before the meeting probably via facbook. The Spanish students will write an introductory letter also a month in advance.


    Schools cooperation: Greek teachers are welcome for job shadowing in Los Cerros Schools by October 2023. During the mobility we will arrange a meeting to think about future cooperation like a KA2 association.