Project: "BeAT Music: Beautiful Activities Through Music"

  • Project Brochure


    About the project                

    During the development of this project, students will collect information about the traditional music of their country and their partners. Through music, students will discover their own traditions, the folklore of their country, the cultural identity, as well as the traditions of their own culture and their partners, exchanging information. They will be able to tell local history through traditional music, learn about the typical instruments of the various partner countries, share and make music together. We also want our students to be able to communicate using ICT tools. For us, music is a special communication that goes beyond borders: they will listen to the "heartbeat" of music! Finally, we will use English as a common language to establish communication, improve confidence with foreign languages, taking into account that each language has the same dignity.



    - allow pupils to learn music by making and experiencing it;

    - share and make music together;

    - develop critical thinking on the type of music we listen to.

    - get to know local and traditional instruments from different countries

    - creative interpretation of music with usage of art an media

    - to be able to sing songs in English and in their partners’ language and play the musical instruments to accompany songs, when it is possible;

    - discover the cultural heritage of their partners.

    - recognize and respect diversity

    - promote cultural awareness and expression through creative productions.

    - improve communication skills in English in relation to pupils' levels

    - develop technological skills through different ICT tools;

    - connect the past with the present.


    Work process                                                          

    - Know the aims of the project;

    - Introduce themselves, their school and their country;

    - Make a project logo

    - Find out traditional music in every country (constitutive elements of cultural identity of each country)

    - Discover the lost sounds (create musical instruments with recycled material) and creating cards of the typical local instruments;

    - Performing typical musical pieces of our country, students record their musical performance and send it to the partner school

    - Sharing / creating songs that deal with active citizenship issues; Students from partners schools can analyze the pieces recorded by pupils are incorporated in the general description of musical styles, composers and instruments. (Forum discussion)

    - Prepare a presentation to communicate the results of the project

    - Photograph the preparing process and final results.


    Expected results                                                                

    Students and teachers will work to create a unique final product such as an ebook of the musical tradition in partner countries. In this ebook there will be music, images, cards of typical instruments and songs. Furthermore, we expect our students to exchange their musical experiences with each other and develop knowledge of their country and other European countries. So that all participants acquire the feeling of belonging to a wider cultural community. Finally, we will inform the school and local community of the results of the project.