A short description of our project
The murder of Eratosthenes by Lysias: Did Euphiletos have the right to kill Eratosthenes?
The case of Euphiletos and Eratosthenes
Is Euphiletos innocent or guilty?
Our verdict
The Silver Blaze, by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle
The Speckled Band, by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle
The Four Suspects, by A.Christie.
The Tape-Measure Murder, by A.Christie
The Murders in the rue Morgue, by E.A.Poe
Murderers' Interior Monologues in bitstrips
The crime story presentations
Voting: Which crime story presentation do you like best?
Our e-magazine, "Who is the murderer?"
Our Prize!
Our verdict
This is the result of our voting. Maybe the ancient judges would disagree...