The main idea of our project is to start a multinational partnerrship to improve our students' communicative skills in English (and for a certain group of students in Ancient Greek as well), with a particular emphasis on effective reading, writing and the use of ICT. We will try to achieve our goal by using a variety of web tools and teaching techniques. The tools to be used are all the tools provided by Twinspace as well Power Point, Prezi, Wikis, Calameo, Tricider, Monkey Survey and Titanpad. The teaching method that is going to be applied for the study and the analysis of the short stories and the ancient speech will be that of Literature Circles, according to which students will be divided into "international" groups and will be assigned different roles, while reading the short stories. (see Materials, explanatory handouts). Beside the presentations of the stories and the activities on their content, the final product will be a crime short story written chapter by chapter by each "international " team using the Titanpad and/or voting tools. The analysis and study of the short stories will include an ancient Greek speech at the law court on a murder (Lysias, On Eratosthenes Murder, 4 century BC, Athens), Victorian ones and some contemporary ones in video form or TV series.