We Will Rock You


    We Will Rock You is inspired by a popular lullaby in which parents promise a child, “We will rock you, rock you” to sleep, meaning “we will lull you”.

    At first, a boy, just a kid, enjoys playing in the mud or making noise around the neighbourhood by kicking a can, which can annoy everybody. 

    But “kicking the can down the road” also means the act of delaying a decision hoping that the problem will just disappear.

    The character in this song is going to experience some trouble later in life.

    He becomes a “hard man” who, instead of playing in the street, shouts to attract attention. He is a rebellious adult and spends his time violently, taking part in protest rallies. 

    He is a big source of shame, a disgrace to other people.

    He then grows old, having wasted his time and money. The blood on his face has reverted to mud. He has become a disillusioned, tired old man only seeking peace.