Students' online meetings

  • Students also had the chance to arrange online meetings so as to discuss topics, like in the first encounter they had to agree on how to create their posters of the inspiring migrants and how to present all of them. This is the collage we used to show on the school wall: 


    They also used the foro, the email and even whataspp or instagram to communicate between them. 


    We had a last online meeting wth the whole group with the following activities, the teachers agreed on via email: 

    1. Presentation of some games by Dutch students (at least talk about them briefly)
    2. Some games by Spanish student (one, two or three, depending on the time)
    3. Spanish students tell very briefly about the  Conference for the future of Europe
    4. Kahoot!
    5. All students have to answer the question: "During the exchange, what are you most excited about?"

    Here's a picture of that last meeting: