The Film Binta and the Great Idea

  • Let's watch the film Binta and the great idea! 

    Binta and the Great Idea is a 2004 Spanish short film by writer-director Javier Fesser. It was made by PELÍCULAS PENDELTON in collaboration with UNICEF.  32:46 min. It received many awards. 

  • What's your opinion of the short film? Refer to the plot, the characters and the idea. Did it surprise you? Why?

    Juan Julián León

    I was surprised by the type of video, since it is a different environment than what we are used to living, I was also surprised by the music and school that appear in the video. I think the video gives an important message and that is to value what we have because we never know what can happen.


    I liked the movie because it teaches us that not everyone can go to school, so we must value that privilege that we have and it makes us open our eyes to value what we have. The music of the movie is very beautiful and I liked it a lot.

    Javier Paúl Navarrón

    In my opinion. I think this short film is very different from what we're used to see every day, because we aren't used to see people without that many resources as us. The idea of Binta's dad it's pretty nice, I'd say, because he is trying to make a Tubab child learn from their culture, manners and traditions to be happy, because Binta's dad thinks that people in Europe aren't happy as they have a lot of things. I also liked how Soda's family made an act to represent the advantages of going to school, and they're trying for Soda's dad to allow her to go to school.

    Claudia Quero Chinchilla, Spain

    I liked this movie because it shows that a lot of people can’t go to school and I was very surprised about that and about the school because it was very small. The soundtrack was very good and this movie shows an important message to us because they don’t have the same things that we have. The movie transmits happiness too.

    Álvaro de la Oliva Rodríguez

    I think this video is a good representation of the live in Africa and the idea teachs that the live in Afica isn't a bad and dificuld, I think the video gives an important message and now I want to go to Africa.

    Elena Sanz, Spain.

    This film has made me feel lucky. Has made me see that the situation in all parts of the world is not the same. It is very sad that little boys and girls have can't go to school. This short film makes you think of all the privileges you have. We would have to be more considerate with what we have.

    Maria Muñoz Morillo

    My opinion of the film is very positive because it teaches many values, for example: having so little are happier than us. Their customs are very funny and different from ours. His music has surprised me because it is very lively.

    Eduardo Caballero Caballero Spain

    I think this film is very interesting,the film transmit a lot of emotions for example empathy.I was surprised by the tipe of the video other think is the importance of the school because not everyone can go to the school.I love the sountrack of the video think is the best of the film.

    Jaime Escavia Spain

    I think that film theaches us a lot of values and how this kind of people live without going to school, so we can't complain about what we have because we are so privileged.
    It shows too a father who wants that european kids go to this place to learn about how they live and how they become in a adult.
    I like so much the music and the imagination that they have to imagine things like fireworks.

    Jesús López Viana, Spain

    I find it impressive that these people have these ideas and also their ways of living with the few recourses they have. They have wonderful landscapes and I would like to travel here. Is impresionant the history makes you see, I love the film.

    Eva López, Spain.

    I love this short film because I think it is very exciting to see those children so happy with so little and then there are people who have everything and want more. This movie transmits happiness, peace and sadness to me because of the way they live. The idea of ​​taking a European there seems interesting to me since it is an opportunity to learn about their lives and see how good people and how hard-working they are.

    Victoria Alba, Spain

    This video has made me feel comprehensive and compassionate with the situation of others that live in the south.
    In this film I can see the privilege of being able to learn, go to school and have a good way of life. This transmit a very important menssage, there aren't only good things here, in the south happiness is ahead of everything and that is very important too.
    The soundtrack is amazing and fantastic!

    Sofía Garcia Espejo, Spain

    This video has surprised me a lot because I have seen the type of life that is lived there and that is very different from our type of life, also the school because it was very small and is very different from ours.

    Antonio Espinosa García-Figueras

    I think that the film is interesting because it teachs us the life in a poor country. Also, this film show that african's childs are happy with few things to enjoy. I like the music because it transmits happiness

    SP Paula Nepomuceno

    I think that this flim is interesting because you discovered the live of the people who don't have important things or some of then they can't go to the school.I really like the soundtrack and I think that this flim has a very important things to think about it.

    Paula de la Oliva, Spain

    I believe that this short film has taught us the reality of many things, as well as the values and the luck that some have. It also teaches us the life that many children go through who cannot go to school and the imagination that we must always have, despite everything we also have to know that in this world there are also people who do not have it as easy as others.
    I love how I know this story, both the people who appear in it, the way this story is expressed and also the music.

    Macarena Oviedo Ramos

    I feel very sorry to see as many boys as girls not being able to go to school and not being able to have a normal life, as we say. Many people can afford to go but in this case some families do not accept women in schools. In this movie the school was much smaller than ours for so many people and what surprised me the most was the theater they did to show that women can also go. My opinion is that all children have the same rights. I also value what I have very much.