Teachers and students will introduce themselves by using an interactive image of their class.
Are you ready???
1st step: teachers create a Pixton account, edit their avatar and invite their students to join their class.
This video can help you https://www.pixton.com/how-to-set-up-a-classroom
2nd step: students join the class and edit their avatar.
3rd step: teachers download the class photo.
4th step: teachers and students introduce themselves and then record their introduction.
Please use these guiding questions:
What are your favourite social networks?
Where do you look for information?
What kind of news are you interested in
What is your favourite influencer?
what kind of influencer would you like to be?
5th step: teachers create a Thinglink educator account, upload the class photo and edit it by adding the recording prepared by the students.
Click here to use the tutorials.