3.1 Where are we from?

  • We are looking forward to having information about your country, your city or town, your school. use the padlet to add these important information. 

    Just tap the button ( +), drag and drop the pin in the right position in the map and then edit with photos, video, descritions, audio etc. 

    Let's go around Europe !!!

  • + infos about our schools

    Collège Saint Gabriel - France
    IES Jándula

    Presentation about our city and our School

    IES Al Ándalus

    Our school and our city

    Liceo Scientifico statale " G. Berto" VV Italy

    Discover our region Calabria and our town Vibo Valentia.

    Liceo Classico e delle Scienze Umane "Benedetto da Norcia"

    A trip in Rome and in our school