Sabrie Myumyun,Kindergarten "Nikola Vaptsarov",Bulgaria

  • Every day nature

    Sabrie Myumyun Kindergarten"Nikola Vaptsarov"

    Nature is a basic teacher that we do not listen to, but we couldlern a lot.Therefore, the first and most basic thing we need to teach our children is not to destroy for no reason, to treat plants and animals carefully, to feel responsible for wildlife and not to allow others to treat it irresponsibly. Because it not only gives us a home, water, food, air, but also helps us to build ourselves as individuals, to develop positive qualities in ourselves.

    Chestnut sezon

    It is great to walk in a park or forest in the fall, to breathe fresh air, to admire the drying beauty of nature and at the same time to collect natural materials, which can then become an excellent basis for creative entertainment with children.

    Creativity with chestnuts

    Chestnuts are excellent gifts of nature, which provide many opportunities for the realization of creative ideas.

    Sabrie Myumyun

    We write the numbers with the help of chestnuts.