Common classes 🤗

  • Teachers can organise common classes or workshop with students and teachers from another country. ☺️☺️

    We can put photos and lesson plans.👍

    1. Let's invite our students to collaborate HERE to create a dictionary with Christmas words in each country's language.

    2. Let's invite our students to write acrostic poems about WINTER. Here's the LINK you can post your acrostic poems.

  • Photos and lesson plans 😊

    21st P.S. Ilioupolis, Greece

    Working on translating English Xmas words in Greek to share with our partners and compare them with their languages.

    Poland - Spain :)

    Students from class on December 6, 2021 welcomed them very happily!
    There was an on-line lesson with Spanish students referring to the Christmas traditions and culture of both countries and everyday customs at school, led by Teacher Aurora from Spain and Teacher Ala from Poland.
    Students collaborate on a daily basis under the guidance of their teachers in the eTwinning project "ČAROBNE SLIKE ZIME- BOŽIĆNI OBIČAJI I RAZMJENA BOŽIĆNIH ČESTITKI / MAGIC PICTURES OF WINTER - CHRISTMAS CUSTOMS AND EXCHANGE OF CHRISTMAS GREETING CARDS".
    Link to the project available here:
    The students previously presented each other with presentations about their schools:
    • presentation from Spain:
    • presentation from Poland
    In addition, the students made and sent each other Christmas cards.

    common class Poland - Spain the 1st December 2021
    4.b razred OŠ Lipik, učiteljica Snežana Kosanović, Croatia

    Božićne riječi na različitim jezicima/ Christmas words in different languages

    Jadranka Bulj OŠ Pujanki Split, Croatia, 4.a

    Učenici 4.a OŠ Pujanki, Split traže značenje božićnih riječi. Students of 4.a class Pujanki Elementary School, Split looking for Xmas words in Croatian.

    SKLÁI Hunyadi Mátyás Tagiskolája, HUNGARY