Sharing of the tasks

  •  Dear Partners, here is the sharing of the tasks. We will upgrade it within the project process. Please pay attention to carry out your responsibilities on the given time and I'm sure you'll do your best in our project. 









    Hatice IŞIK

    Project administrator, twinspace' pages, webinars, whatsApp group

    November vocabulary challange organization on KAHOOT

    eCalendar organizatiıon


    Safer Internet Day shared presentation organization on Prezi

    ebook organization for March's Vocabulary task

    organization of our acrostic works with ajectives on padlet

    post-test for teachers and students

    Elif UĞUR

    Project administrator, twinspace' pages, webinars, whatsApp group

    November's vocabulary choice on Menti






    Sevinç ALTINTAŞ


    Codeweek Activities

    Merging the videos our students have taken about GenZ

    jANUARY's vocabulary challange organization on KAHOOT




    Sümeyra ALTINÖZ




    Merging the videos of 'Fairy tale

    Merging the 'challange' videos

    February's vocabulary challange organization on kAHOOT



    Fatma TEMEL


    Beginning Survey cooridination for partner teachers and students

    December's vocabulary challange organization on KAHOOT



    Voting organization for March photos 


    Yeşim Mercan HOŞER



    Preparing a project-intro


    evaluation survey for students


    March's vocabulary challange organization on kAHOOT

    Virtual exhibiton with March vlogs.