Our Working Process


    You, all partner teachers, may find the working process here. We will add the deadlines monthly. Please pay attention to complete the given tasks on time in terms of our project's efficiency.

    Here we go!



    • Partner schools' videos. (English or Turkish) (due 15 October)
    • Partner Teacher's introduction (English) (due 15 October)
    • Parents Permission (due 31 October)
    • Student's Introduction (due 31 October)
    • The registration of the students to the Twinspace platform (due 15 October)
    • The school Project teams should have own social media accounts(Facebook, Instagram, Youtube 
    • First meeting webinar with partner teachers: 5 October, 2021 at 19.30


    • Video blog entries (daily routines with a shared avatar)
    • Each partner school should prepare an audio according to timetable and daily routine activities (due 30 November)
    • We will choose the vocabulary on mentimeter. (due 15 November)
    • Each partner school should produce vlogs d upload them to the eTwinning platform
    • Interactive quiz on kahoot (on 25 November)
    • Each partner schools will upload a vide about Gen Z features.





    Each partner school should prepare vlogs with the lyrics of the song Fairy Tale according to the task disttribution. (Due 31 December)


    Each partner schools write their vocabulary on Sli.do. We will choose the most written vocabulary (due 20 December)


    Interactive quiz on kahoot (on 24 December)

     Making up a shared project calendar  on canva ( due 31 December) 



    Each partner school should make up a wish tree for their school bulletins. (due 31 January)

    Each partner school should produce vlogs with their favorite song and upload them to the eTwinning platform (due 31 January)

    Students will write their words on forum. We weill choose the best vocabulary.

    Interactive quiz on kahoot. (on 24 January)

    Mid-term evaluation Survey for Students (between 24 January and 6 February)



    Preparing bullletins and posters about school rules and regulations

    Preparing  a shared presentation about safer İnternet and safer social media being on Prezi.

    Each partner school should join the chatroom and write the vocabulary from the previous unit. We will choose the best vocabulary 

    Each partner school should produce vlogs  about their abilities and upload them under the name of 'can challamge' to the eTwinning platform 

    Interactive quiz on kahoot (on February 14)




    Each partner school should write some words on our project's ebook designed on storyjumper (Due 14 march)

    Each partner school should produce vlogs and take photos about street animals and upload them to the eTwinning platform

    We will make up a  visiaul exhibition (due  28 MArch)

    We will organize a best ohoto competition. (after 31 March)

    Interactive quiz on Kahoot (on 21 March)



    We will  make up an acrostic work with adjectives describing GenZ features pn padlet.


    Post-test for Teachers and Students