6. A succesful professional career - a meeting with Fenna Verhelst


    The purpose of this activity was:

    • to develop communicative skills in the English language (production of oral  messages in English language).
    • to understand and learn about how to have a successful job;
    • to develop intercultural competence
    Online meeting with Belgian businesswoman, Ms. Fenna Verhelst.
    As part of the eTwinning project “News for job advice and ideas”, the students and teachers participating in the project from the College of Ecology and from 4 vocational institutions in Poland, Belgium and Croatia, had a meeting with Belgian businesswoman, Ms. Fenna Verhelst.
    The participants learned about
    • her professional career and
    • the business she runs in the field of bakery and vegan food.
    She also talked about how she started and developed this business, why it is important to choose "sustainable food" and about important principles for a healthy lifestyle:
    * decrease in meat consumption
    * consumption of local and seasonal products
    * sustainable agriculture, preferably organic.
    * fair trade.
    * waste reduction.
    After that, there was a question and answer session. 


    As a result, the students learned about the

    • successful professional career of Fenna Verhelst.

    • Importance of studying languages - a valuable skill  for any job.

    • Running a business in cooking, production of bread and vegan meals, fair traide, waste reduction, importance of consumption of local and seasonal products and decrease in meat consumption.