Agronomska škola Zagreb, Zagreb Croatia

  • Agricultural School Zagreb

    Video about the Agricultural school Zagreb

    Watch a short video about the Agricultural school Zagreb made by students.

    Video abaout Our small shop

    In Our small shop students quire their entrepreneurial competencies by selling products made by students in the student cooperative PUŠLEK.

    Agricultural School Zagreb

    The website of uor institution


    The link contains a video about Croatia made
    in the Croatian National Tourist Board.

    Office of the President of the Republic of Croatia
    Office of the Prime Minister of the Republic of Croatia
  • Dear friends, 

    It is a great pleasure to be a part of this wonderful project.
    I look forward to working with you and making new friends. My students share the same impressions.


    Marija Bošnjak


    The link contains a video about Croatia made
    in the Croatian National Tourist Board: