Reto 5

  • Imagen y Pista Ayuda

    Wife and sister of Jupiter

    Her equivalent in Roman mythology was Juno


    was a priestess and Poseidon fell in love with her



    Greek hero and invincible

    4 He got a cruel punishment by Zeus. His crime was that he wanted to help humankind. 

    Condenados a no mirarse 


    Los dioses nos recompensaron por nuestra amabilidad


    No encontré la perfección y la tuve que crear

    9 fdgfguu
    10 gfgfjhfhj


  • Responde a los acertijos...

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    My name is Paula María Ruiz Pérez, IES Melchor de Macanaz, riddle number 1, this goddess is Hera.

    3 rd ,Nacho López , IES Melchor de Macanaz

    I think this is the myth of the Achilles heel, I have deduced it from the photography and the track.

    Lucía, IES Melchor de Macanaz, 1st myth

    This is Hera´s myth.

    Cristina,IES Melchor de Macanaz, second myth

    This myth is the myth of Medusa because the photo is a girl with snakes in her head

    Ariadna, IES Melchor de Macanaz, 2nd myth

    I think it is the myth of Medusa, priestess of Athena and with whom Poseidon fell in love. Then Perseus would cut off his head

    Jesús, IES Melchor de Macanaz, 3rd myth

    It is the myth of Achilles, the invincible warrior whose only weakness is his heel.

    Alba Maria , IES Melchor de Macanaz

    Myth 1 is about Hera

    Ariadna, IES Melchor de Macanaz, 3rd myth

    I think it is the myth of Achilles, since he was invincible except for the heel.

    Paula Castellanos IES Isaac Albeniz

    The second one is Medussa

    Paula Castellanos IES Isaac Albeniz

    Number one is Hera, Ares' and Hephaestus' mother

    Paula Jiménez, Isaac Albéniz

    The second one is Medusa's myth. You can tell because of the snakes on her head.

    ClaudiaF, Isaac Albeniz, Mito 1

    El mito 1 es Juno( equivalente a Hera en la mitología griega)

    Lucas Berrocal, Isaac Albéniz.

    The first myth I believe that is Hera, she is the wife and sister of Zeus in the Olympian pantheon of classical Greek mythology. Her equivalent in Roman mythology was Juno.

    ClaudiaF, Isaac Albeniz, Mito 3

    Creo que habla de Aquiles , la imagen sale con una flecha en el talón. Él era invencible excepto por su talón

    Laura, IES Isaac Albéniz, 2nd myth.

    This is Medusa"s myth because Poseidon fell in love with here and have snake hair.

    Sandra Gomez,Isaac Albeniz

    In my opinion the second myth is about Medusa,because of the snake hair

    Hugo, IES Isaac Albeniz, 2nd myth

    This myth is the myth of Medusa because the photo is a girl with snakes in her head.

    Alexis Martínez. Isaac Albéniz. 2 myth

    I know it´s Medusa he fell in love of Poseidon and Athenea punished him

    Ronald , Albeniz

    the first myth talk about Hera , who was the goddess of marriage in Greek mythology.

    Amalia Serrano IES Isaac Albeniz 2myth

    Medusa is a Greek name meaning "guardian or protector." In general, in mythology, she was a female chthonic2 monster that turned those who stared into her eyes to stone. ... There are versions of this myth that place Medusa as a monster that seduced Poseidon and was therefore banished.

    María García Puerta, IES Valle de Leiva, 2nd myth.

    I think this is the Medusa's myth because I can see the snakes in her hair.

    Amina Lagsouri, IES Valle de Leiva

    The sencond miyht talks it Medusa who was prisoner of Poseidon.

    Michelle Galián, IES Valle de Leiva, 2º myth

    The second myth is that of Medusa, I have deduced it by the snakes that she has as hair.

    Ángela, IES Valle de Leiva, 2nd myth

    The myth number two treats of Medusa

    Ángela Díaz, IES valle de Leiva 2nd myth

    This is the myth of medusa who was cursed by Atenea and killed by Perseus

    Sana, IES Valle de Leiva

    I think the third myth is Hercules.

    Privistirescu Alex/ Medusa, LTIN

    My name is Alex and I know Medusa was a character from ancient Greek mythology known for her terrifying ability to turn people to stone. She was one of the Gorgons: three sisters with human bodies, large wings, and hair made of living snakes.

    Antonie, Liceul Teoretic ,,Ion Neculce" 1st myth

    Juno was an ancient Roman goddess, the protector and special counsellor of the state. She was equated to Hera, queen of the gods in Greek mythology. A daughter of Saturn, she was the wife of Jupiter and the mother of Mars, Vulcan, Bellona and Juventas. Like Hera, her sacred animal was the peacock. Her Etruscan counterpart was Uni, and she was said to also watch over the women of Rome. As the patron goddess of Rome and the Roman Empire, Juno was called Regina ("Queen") and was a member of the Capitoline Triad (Juno Capitolina), centered on the Capitoline Hill in Rome, and also including Jupiter, and Minerva, goddess of wisdom.

    3rd,Hritcu Valentin Constanin Liceul Teoretic "Ion Neculce"

    I think it's about the Greek hero Achilles. According to legend, he could not be hurt because at birth his mother wanted to immortalize him by submerging him in the waters of the Styx, but his sole weakness remained untouched by the water.

    Florin, Geniko Lykeio Kranidiou, 4th myth

    In the fourth image we see the depiction of the myth of Prometheus on a vase. According to Greek mythology, Dias, knowing how useful fire was kept it for the gods. But Prometheus disobeyed his command, stole the fire and gave it to the people. To punish him Dias chained him to a rock and every day at a specific time he sent an eagle to eat his liver. Τhe torture continued for many years until Hercules passed by, took pity of him, killed the eagle and freed Prometheus.

    3rd,Lefteris Toklas, Gel Kranidi

    The 3rd myth show us Achilles because of the arrow on his leg

    1st myth /Nicole Lanchimba Galarza//IES ISAAC ALBÉNIZ

    This is the myth of Juno(Hera)She was known as a jealous person because of Jupiter who gave her reasons to be jealous and she fought for women

    Lorena Fdez, IES Isaac Albéniz

    I think the second myth is about Medusa. She is famous because of the number of snakes that are on her head. She is the example between the good and the evil things. Medusa was the most beautiful and the only mortal of the Gorgons. As she was beautiful, Poseidon felt in love with her. Poseidon violate Medusa in the Temple of Atenea, and as Atenea and Poseidon were enemies, Atenea punished Medusa by turning her into a monster without soul.

    Sara Martin, IES Isaac Albeniz

    Es el mito de Hera


    Myth 4 is Prometeo, he was very clever and give the fire to the humans.