Serpentine Dances

  • Serpentine Dances

    Watching the black and white and the color film "Serpentine Dances" from Alice Guy and Lumière. 

    Alice Guy was a French pioneer filmmaker, active from the late 19th century, and one of the first to make a narrative fiction film. She was the first woman to direct a film. From 1896 to 1906, she was probably the only female filmmaker in the world. She experimented with Gaumont's Chronophone sync-sound system, and with color-tinting, interracial casting, and special effects.



    The Lumière brothers (Auguste Marie Louis Nicolas Lumière and Louis Jean Lumière were manufacturers of photography equipment, best known for their Cinématographe motion picture system and the short films they produced between 1895 and 1905 which places them among the earliest filmmakers.


    Questions and Tasks: What do they want the dance to look like? What colours do the veils see? They can paint veils and colour them to their liking. Or they can invent the dance by replacing the veils with something else.
    We comment on the impact of music, colours. The expression of the dancer and her hands.
    Task for all partners: animation based on drawings or a movie with a fictional from the children dance.