SDG 14 song



    This song is the result of weeks of work on lyrics and music done by the German and Italian students belonging to the SDG 14  experts' team. 

    Students have cooperatively worked at a local level in their classes and exchanged ideas with their partners in this forum

    This is the latest version

    CD cover:

    Second version with Jenna's piano composition:



    Can you imagine eating plastic instead of fish?

    By 2050 there will be more plastic than fish in your dish.

    10,000 million species enrich the waters of the world

    And we need each single one of them, I give you my word.




    Tell me you want to save the ocean

    Clean it from poisonous plastic potion

    We don’t even know what we’re destroying

    We’re just exploiting, polluting, enjoying.


    All you illegal fishermen,

    we will stop you.

    You will be our next Big Fish

    And we will win this fight.



    Let’s set the wheels of change in motion

    With music we can help the ocean.


    Let's stop environmental pollution,

    Go for an ecological revolution.

    Fridays for Future needs to be on our daily agenda,

    because our oceans, they are so tender.



    Tell me you want to save the ocean



    El mar, das Meer, the sea, il mare

    il suo valore è per tutti uguale,

    wir alle müssen zusammenhalten

    to protect life below water.