1. TwinSpace is the site of our project

    2. On the left side of the interface are visible pages where you can post your content

    3. Please do not accidentally delete the content of a colleague

    4. If someone has not had the opportunity to use TwinSpace before, they can ask for help from the project coordinator

    5. When using the TwinBoard, just click on the green add item button

    6. You can also add your own content, write, post photos, videos and more to the homepage

    7. Photos from your computer, documents in word, ppt, PDF, videos, etc can be added to the MATERIALS

    8. Pay attention to copyright

    9. In the FORUM we can discuss a topic, ideas, proposals ...

    10. In the ONLINE MEETINGS menu we can arrange online meetings and use CHAT for collaborative activities, arrangements, planning and more.

    11. When adding content to a page, click on the pencil at the top right.