
  • February- E-BOOKS- (Safer Internet Day), reading e-books and making posters about them

    Primary school Zlatar Bistrica, Croatia- SID 2022

    Pupils participated in various activities connected to eSafety. They made posters, drawings, presentations, participated in workshops and other activities.


    An interesting speech about "Internet Safety "was given by police officers. Students interact with the police and learn many rules related to this issue.

    Primary school Zlatar Bistrica, Croatia - SID 2022

    1st grade pupils celebrate Safer internet day reading picture book Safe vith Netica

    Pupils from primary scholl Zlatar Bistrica celebrated World Read Aloud Day, February 2nd 2022

    They visited school library with their teacher and read stories, fairy tales and childrens books aloud. Here is the link to school webpage: http://www.os-zlatar-bistrica.skole.hr/?news_hk=1≠ws_id=1807&mshow=878#mod_news

    Primary school Zlatar Bistrica, Croatia

    Pupils of 4th grade participated in the activity about e-books and digital books. School librarian and Informatics teacher explained what kind of books are e-books and how to search and to approach them. They learned how to use digital portal eLektire which pupils in Croatia use to read childrens books, watch videos about books and trailers to encourage the reading. They concluded they like to read printed books instead of digital ones:)).

    Radviliškio Vinco Kudirkos progimnazija

    We created an interactive poster from the students ’work. There is a link. You have to click on the icons on Earth.