• Learn together prehistory about.✨




    Ovim projektom učenici proširuju kurikulum nastave povijesti i nastavne sadržaje prapovijesti, tj. kamenog doba. Učenici će istraživati lokalno, a suradnjom s partnerima projekta upoznat će arheološke lokalitete na nacionalnoj i europskoj razini na zanimljiv i kreativan način.
    Cilj projekta je da učenici kroz istraživanje prošire znanje i spoznaju kontinuitet života u našim prostorima te prepoznaju vrijednosti napretka i promjena kroz dugo vrijemensko razdoblje.
    Suradničkim aktivnostima partneri projetka kreirat će etape, tempo i obim rada.
    Predložiti digitalne alate i aktivnosti kako bi suradničkim aktivnostima ostvarili cilj projekta.


    With this project, students expand the curriculum of history teaching and the teaching content of prehistory, ie the Stone Age. Students will explore locally, and in collaboration with the project, partners will get to know archaeological sites at the national and European levels in an interesting and creative way.
    The aim of the project is for students to expand their knowledge and knowledge of the continuity of life in our region and to recognize the values ​​of progress and change over a long period of time.
    Through collaborative activities, the project partners will create stages, pace and scope of work.
    Suggest digital tools and activities achieve the goal of the project through collaborative activities.

    👉Aktivnosti / Activities


    Izrada plana i programa projekta / Making a work plan


    Predstavljanje projekta učenicima / Introducing the project plan to the students.

    Predstavljanje učitelja / Introducing colleagues.

    Predstavljanje i uključivanje učenika / Introducing and including students on the Twinspace.


    Internet sigurnost i pravila ponašanja na Internetu / project's netiquette.

    Naša škola na Google Earth / Our school on the Google Earth

    Suradničke aktivnosti / Common activities

    Međunarodni dan tolerancije / Tolerance Day

    Međunarodni dan prava djece / Children Rights Day

    Logo projekta / Our project logo


    Istražimo Kremenkov svakodnevni život. Prikaži slikovno život Kremenka koristeći po mogućnosti prirodne boje ili izradi maketu. 

    Let’s explore Kremenko’s daily life.  Show the pictorial life of Kremenko or make a model, Kremenko's footprints.

    Biranje loga projekta / Voting for the project logo.

    Kremenkov kalendar / Kremenko's calendar


    Prošećimo muzejima. / Let's take a walk through the museums.


    Igrajmo se! Izrađujemo igre / kvizove o Kremenkoveu životu. / Making games about Kremenko's life.


    Biramo najbolju igru/ kviz. / Voting the best quiz.


    Video konferencija - predstavljamo suradničke aktivnosti. / Video conference - we present collaborative activities.


    Evaluacija projekta / Project evaluation.


    Pisanje prijave za Nacionalnu oznaku kvalitete. / Writing an application for a National Quality Label.


    👉 Prijedlozi aktivnosti / Suggestions for workplan📌


    Dear partners, 

    if you have some ideas to increase the work plan, please write activities in the table below:


    Name and surname, school and country Your ideas for activities📜
    Suzana Jagić, Primary school Ivanec, Croatia

    Archaeological diary



    Web 2 tools



    Suzana Jagić, Primary school, Ivanec

    I'm a Neanderthal too

    Videoconferencing - Kliofest

    Sandra Debogović, Prigorje Brdovečko Videoconferencing - Fašnik / Carnival - I'm Neanderthal too
    Sandra Debogović, Prigorje Brdovečko

    Virtual exhibition of the common activities

    and the student's works.

    Sandra Debogović, Prigorje Brdovečko Kremenko's New Year Calendar
    Sandra Debogović, Prigorje Brdovečko

    Making games about Kremenko's life

    and voting for the best quiz.

    Sandra Debogović, Prigorje Brdovečko Kremenko's footprints
    Snježana Odak Hrkač, II. primary school Čakovec, Croatia Kremenko's menu
    Tina Matanić, Primary school Đuro Deželić Ivanić-Grad
    Making a picture book about Kremenko

    Danijela Kužet,

    Elementary School"Mića Stojković", Umčari, Serbia

    Making a Kremenko living places presentation

    Ahmet Şahan

    Nihat Sami Banarlı İlkokulu

    We can make a collaborative e-book about neanderthals

    Dragica Rončević,

    Osnovna škola dr. Franje Tuđmana , Knin, Croatia

    Let students get task to introduce how did they research areheological sites and what did they find out.


    Lets make a together video at the end of the project.


    Let make a fashion picures of nenderthal - about their clothes.