5. Tiny Seed book activities

  • We read the book or we see the video



    Now let's make Eric's garden

    Create your unique flowers and add them in the Twin Board.

    Our collaborative Eric Garden is really beautiful!


  • Our Flowers

    29th Kindergarten of Serres

    Our unique flowers (like every pupil of ours)

    8th Primary School of Ptolemaida

    our own version of the flower that grew from the tiny seed.

    Nene Hatun Kindergarten/Zehra Aslan

    Our flowers

    2nd kindergarten Moudania Chalkidiki

    Our Eric Flower

    29o Kindergarten of Serres

    Our flowers

    29o Kindergarten of Serres

    Our flowers

    12th Veria' s Kindergarten / B3 & O

    Our Eric Flowers

    8th Primary School of Ptolemaida

    Look how much our flower has grown

    Kentri Kindergarten class 1

    Our unique 3D flower and body shape flowers for Eric Carle s garden!!!

    4th Kintergarten Pylaia

    Our Flowers

    4th Kintergarten Pylaia

    Our Flowers

    4th Kintergarten Pylaia

    Our Flowers

    14th Kindergarten of Serres

    Our Eric flowers

    Kindergarten of Kentri , Class2

    Our Flower

    2nd Kindergarten of Chalkida
    2nd Kindergarten of Chalkida
    2nd Kindergarten of Chalkida
    2nd Kindergarten of Chalkida

    Decorating our school's windows with our flowers

    2nd Kindergarten of Chalkida

    A video with us creating the flowers

    14th kindergarten of Chania
    Kindergarten No430, Warsaw

    Our flowers