1.3 parental permission

  • Parental permissions

    ICS La Giustiniana - Roma, Italia

    Rita Bottari - Lucia Cozzo - Anna Teresa Fiori

    The school where we teach has prepared forms for the release forms that are made to sign by both parents at the beginning of the year, they are valid for one year and are kept in the records in the school office.

    Khetam almasadh- Wadi Musa Mixed Secondary School

    Parents' consents have been prepared in English for the students of my school

    Eva Mª López de la Reina. CEIP Arqueólogo García Bellido. Spain.


    Khetam almasadh -Jordan- Wadi Musa Mixed Secondary School

    Parental permissions


    C.N.P. ”Regina Maria” Deva

    Secondary School No 156, Bucharest, Romania

    Mihaela Cârja

    Harun ÖZDOĞAN /Mezra Primary School Kahramanmaraş / Turkey

    We received our parent permission petitions.

    Cuma Ali ÇATALKAYA Şehit Adem Algın Preschool Adana / TURKEY

    parent permission petitions

    Rajmonda Shyti "Mihal Grameno" School, Tirana/Albania

    Parental permissions

    Angela Gavriș -Școala Gimnazială Gherța Mică -Romania
    Nihan TEZCAN ERMİŞ Hakan Akbıyık Primary School Ankara TURKEY

    Parental permissions