Schools - Classes

  • Here we are...

    Emiliana Rufo - Istituto Comprensivo Campagnano - Italy

    Our school has 380 students and 60 teachers.

    The school has got classes with Interactive White Boards and projectors and two labs: a computer lab and a video room.

    There are two Secondary Schools:
    Campagnano di Roma and Mazzano Romano.

    Fatma Akgül-Söke Yavuz Selim Anatolian High School
    OŠ „Sveti Sava“, Kikinda, Serbia

    Our school is one of the bigger primary schools in Kikinda. We work in shifts with 7 - 14 - year - old pupils. When the school was built in 1961, it was named after Moša Pijade, a Partisan, painter and a journalist. In 1995, its name was changed to Sveti Sava, the patron saint of all schools. We focus on modern teaching methods. Our pupils learn English, German, ICT, Art, Music, Science and other subjects. There are numerous after school clubs, such as Drama Club, Computer Club, Arts & Crafts, Sports or Film Club. We have been organising interesting competitions and quizzes since 2003, Summer Camp since 2007, Sports Camp since 2013 and we have also been editing an e-magazine since 2008.

    Arianna Pisapia - IC Balzico Cava de' Tirreni - Italy

    Our school is IC Balzico in Cava de' Tirreni (SA).

    Aslı Yalçın /Söke Anatolian High School
    David : Our School Realschule Plus - Bad Ems Nassau

    Our school is attended by about 420 students who are taught by about 40 teachers. They attend school here from grade 5 to grade 9 or 10, so they start at 11 and leave at about 16 years. More than 60 percent of the students have got a multicultural background .. More about our school here :