Our students

  • Our students

    Gabriela Borza / Școala Gimnazială "Mihai Peia", Reșița, ROMÂNIA

    I have 27 students in the class. They are curious, creative, inventive, hardworking, resourceful, sometimes a little talkative, but always very loving.


    These are my 22 pupils of 4th grade at CEIP Juan del Río Ayala, I also teach another group of 24 who will participate in the project activities. This picture was taken a few days ago when celebrating eTwinning Day.

    Phaedra Mantzou - Erasmios Greek German School, Pallini, GREECE

    Hello, from sunny Greece! These are my 28 5th graders, standing under an olive tree, in our schoolyard!

    Gabriela Bednárová, Špeciálna základná škola Šaľa, Slovakia

    Hello, I greet everyone from the heart of Europe-Slovakia. I work at a special primary school with children with mental disabilities aged 6-10 years. I have 8 students in the class.

    Fatma Akıncı /Vali Mustafa Uygur Primary Scool

    I have 28 students, they are active and very cute

    Vasilescu Ana-Maria - Gymnasium School Number 7 Reșița, Romania

    We are the class of owls, III B, in number of 22 students. We are smart, creative, friendly, full of energy and ready to get to work.