Our teachers

  • Our teachers

    Phaedra Mantzou - Erasmios Greek German School, Pallini, GREECE

    Hello, dear partners! My name is Phaedra and I am teaching 28 5th graders at Erasmios elementary school, in Pallini, a suburb of Athens, the capital of Greece! It is the 1st time for me to participate in an eTwinning project and I am excited to be part of this big community of learners! Thank you joining our project! I cant wait to hear from you!

    Gabriela Borza / Școala Gimnazială "Mihai Peia", Reșița, ROMÂNIA

    I am a primary school teacher. I love children, I like what I do and I am glad that my work will contribute to the good and beauty of this world.

    Cecilia Cantizano, CEIP Juan del Río Ayala, Gran Canaria, Spain

    HI everyone! I´m glad to be in this project, volcanoes are part of our landscape in the Canary Islands and a big interest to our pupils. Thank you for inviting me!

    Katarzyna Imielska, Primary School No 33 in Sosnowiec, Poland

    I am a primary school English teacher, my students are at the age of 7-12. I like showing them that English is not just an artificial subject but important means of communication. I want to familiarize them with different cultures and places in the world. Thank you for letting me join this project!

    Gabriela Bednárová, Špeciálna základná škola Šaľa, Slovakia

    Hi, I work as an educator with children with mental disabilities. With the Children, I participate in various activities that will enrich their everyday life with new knowledge.

    Fatma Akıncı /Vali Mustafa Uygur Primary Scool

    I am from Sakarya, Turkey. Our school is a medium crowded school. There are 28 students in my class. I love my school and my classroom. I love doing different activities and exploring

    Daniela Camelia Trut/ Scoala Gimnaziala ,,Mihai Peia"

    I am a teacher in Resita, a small town in Romania. I am happy to take part in this project together with my students.

    Andreea Curescu - Mihai Peia Secondary School, Resita, Romania

    Hello, dear partners! I'm an English teacher from Romania and I teach students from the age of 6 to 15. I'm so glad to be in this project with so many talented teachers. Hope we will make magic things together.

    Vasilescu Ana-Maria - Gymnasium School Number 7 Reșița, Romania

    Hello! I am Vasilescu Ana-Maria, a teacher in the third grade B. Creativity, innovation and exploration are always with me in the classroom. This is my first project in this etwinning community and I am glad to be part of it!