Children's Day

  • International Children's Day - 31.05.2021

    All partners and students webinar...
    We came together for the International Children's Day on Zoom.
    Meeting ID: 848 4394 5930
    Passcode: 945407

  • Children's Day

    A.Bruska 2d SP 25 Bydgoszcz Poland

    we failed to connect with partners, but our thoughts were with them. We had a very nice Children's Day, there was ice cream, games and fun.

    A.Bruska 2d SP 25 Bydgoszcz Poland

    our Children's Day

    Özlem Köse Özel Murat Yıldırım Koleji İlkokulu Kocaeli TURKEY

    This beautiful meeting excited us. We presented the flowers we collected from our garden to our friends and teachers at the meeting.

    Veneta Kehayova Snezhanka Kindergarten Bulgaria

    The children from Snezhanka Kindergarten celebrated Children's Day with a fairytale masquerade!

    Birce Erdoğan Cumhuriyet Anaokulu

    children's day

    Bilal Varel Güzelhisar Primary School Efeler Aydın /Turkey

    Children's Day

    Portugal, Ourém

    Children Day, so happy to see our partners.....

    Gabriela Osborn / Cernica Middle School 1, ROMANIA

    My students have had so much fun interacting with everyone on Zoom!