Visit to the schools in Rome February 2016

  • Mrs Linford and Mrs Hardcastle in the school garden at IC Ferraironi.

    Here is the front of the school, taken from the front steps.




    The vegetable and fruit garden at Balzani school.


    Their science experiment to change the colour of the corn.

    The school library.

    Mrs Linford, Mrs Zucchetta and Mrs Hardcastle during the Carneval parade!


    The third primary school we visited - Pisacane. 

    They sang Brother John/ Frere Jacques/ Fra Martino to us in many languages:



    We tried some delicious school dinners!

    This is the downstairs corridor, with lots of classrooms, the ICT suite and the library.

    There is another corridor like this upstairs.


    The Italian children had to provide their own equipment.

    They all had big bags to carry all their books and equipment.