Self Evaluation by Francesca BARILE

    • Pedagogical  Innovation Aspect: 
    • 1. Thanks to this project I could apply a new way of teaching with the application of new cooperative and innovative tools. 
    • 2. The use of new technology was an important opportunity of innovation for the whole school and not only. We had opportunity to enlarge this project also to other school thanks to an  interview of the local newspaper. 

      3. The creation of mixed groups, the continuous  exchange of materials and ideas,( via emails, facebook and twinspace , permitted us to share the same objectives and metodology in every step of the project. All this emproved the european citizenship.

      4. Every  student could use the most suitable instrument to contribute( images, video, etc) . This was useful in my class where there are 4 dyslexic students and other two with supporter teachers. This way of learning improved the respect of themselves.

      5. Awareness by each student all the activities gave them different competences also useful in their future job, especially for a team work

      6. The students’ natural familiarity with informatic instruments was a way to recognize  their contribute in the solution of technical difficulties and a way to increase their physical and emotional involvement.

      7.  Learning to respect the living place and make something to sensitize other young people and politicians about their responsabilities.

      8. The project was also a way to promote   new renewable sources of energy


    • Curricular Integration Aspect:
    •  the project  was a whole class activity, and,  in a professional school,  english is one the most curricular integration subjects, because they have to study into english all their technical and professional topics, faced in mechanics, maintainance, electronics and technological Lab.
    • Also the topic of the project, based on the improvement of the environment, conforms very well to what they study. 
    • The project involves the whole school , not in doing, but in learning , by students and teachers, that there are other and more involving methods of teaching and learning. 
    • Also the fact I am a digital animator gives me the opportunity to enlarge our new practice out our school.

    • Use of Technology  Aspect
    • Throughout the project, my students developed their ICT skills in the following areas:

      •             Converting Files    : They also learned converting files.

    • Recording and Editing Videos  : They developed their ability to record, cut and combine a video with a mobile, a camera, the LIM and PC.
    • •             Using Moviemaker :They learned to add photos , videos and sound to the moviemaker and create their own videos by using moviemaker.

      •             Resizing Photos    :They learned to edit photos.

      •             Creating Augmented  Reality: They learned to create auras using AURASMA. They made the photos alive.

      •             Using Padlet : The students learned how to write on Padlet.

      •             Creating Logos : They learned how to create a logo for the project. They tried different logo designer programs.

      •                 Creating PREZI presentations 

    • Schools’ Colloboration ,
    • 1) the project was a whole class activity and,  in a professional school,  english is one the most curricular integration subjects, because they have to study into english all their technical topics, faced in mechanics, maintainance, electronics and technological Lab.

      2)  the topic of the project, based on the improvement of the environment, conforms very well to what they study. 

      3)  The project involves the whole school , not in doing, but in learning , by students and teachers, that there are other and more involving methods of teaching and learning.

       4) Also the fact I am a digital animator gives me the opportunity to enlarge our new practice out of our school.


          Project Results , Impact and Documentation Aspect

    Our Project was  innovative because we used  a sort of different ICT (padlet, Prezi, Coding, Aurasma) making video, that raised a lot of interest, not only in our school, but also in other schools, in the local newspaper " Il golfo" that came to school to interview students about the project and about aurasma application.  We had two long pages dedited on the newspaper, and all this was documented in video and photo aurasma.                                                                   

    All the isle of Ischia spoke about the project and the need for everyone to do something in favour of the environment, as suggested by the  students. Also their force in suggesting alternative and green  energy was appreciated very much by the newspaper and citizens.