Though the project we aim to the development of Soft Skills, European Citizenship Skills, Lifelong Learning and Civic Education

    1. Problem solving (soft)
    2. Communication
    3. Negotiation
    4. Learning by doing
    5. Communication in a foreign Language (European)
    6. Learning to learn
    7. Social competence
    8. Digital competence (Lifelong)
    9. Cultural awareness and expression competence (Civic Education)
    10. Thinking about ourselves and awareness of our talents
    11. Working in teams with a positive attitude
    12. Critical thinking



    The assessment includes the constant monitoring of the students, before starting the project, during the process and at the end of the activity.

    1. Assessment of the process:

    a. Level of availability of working in team (being punctual)

    b. collaboration with the working team and with the teachers (being active)

    c. Level of ability of sharing the information

    d. Level of sharing of the Skills of each member of the team

    2. Assessment of the product:

    a. Quality of the final product the working team has produced (form and content)

    b. Quality of the final report each group at the end of the project (form and content)

    3. Self-assessment:

    a. Filling a logbook in the form of a journal

    b. Reflections on the aspects if the project outlined above