Spanish cultural Day in Iceland

  • Materials


    A Kahoot about general information about Spain and Spanish culture


    General information, shown on screens


    Chicken paella was served in the cafeteria


    We set up an exhibition with photos we took during our trip

    Festivals and famous people

    The students put together a show with pictures and information about Spanish festivals and famous people from Spain.

  • Our Spanish Cultural Day was held on April 5th, 2022. We came up with a few ideas on how to celebrate this day. First, we managed to get our chefs on board, and they decided to cook a Spanish meal for us. So, on this day the canteen offered a Spanish chicken paella and papas de mojo. It was simply delicious.

    We also created a three-part photo exhibition. The first part contained pictures and information on famous Spanish people and Spanish festivals. Pictures and biographies of Antonio Banderas, Julio Iglesias, Javier Bardem, and others lined the walls of our big hall along with information on Semana Santa, La Tomatina, and Las Fallas de Valencia.

    The students who participated in the Spanish mobility also put together an exhibition of photos taken by them during the trip. Along with those photos they put together short texts with descriptions of the activities they experienced in Spain.

    During lunch we played Spanish music in the dining hall. We created a slide show with pictures and facts about Spain. This slide show was shown on a big screen in the hall as well as on TV screens located throughout the school.

    A link to a Kahoot about Spanish culture was sent to teachers and they were asked to please take the time to have a competition in their classes.