Steps of Project ( 2021 )
*Each school's students'll introduce themselves talk about project in Zoom meeting.and than they will prepare a brochure for introducing themselves.
*After introducing they will make logo and poster work for promoting the project .
*They will arrange of school boards and preparing boards with web 2.0 tools.
*Each school will search their meal or drink . They will share them to each other with web 2.0 tools. And each school will prepare meal or drink which they choose from other partners.
*The participant will explain the proverbs or sayings of their region with web 2.0 tools.
*At the end of the project, we will prepare an online exhibition with 'artsteps'.
Summary: One of the project founder will be responsible for organizing and planning the project task, the other one (second founder) will collect and save visual material provided by project partners. Other partners will be responsible for carrying out activities stated in project calendar on time and send materials to the project founders. Finally, the project partners will work together and create the digital exhibition that will be displayed on their websites. Project will be applied in January and ended at the end of April.