NOWHERE FEELS LIKE HOME: POPULAR CITY CULTURE is a project on urban popular culture that involves developing collaborative activities and material production on various aspects of participating cities (traditions, festivities, local peculiarities, collective feelings, etc). It means conducting research activities on the intangible cultural heritage and encourage reflection for its preservation.
It is co-founded by a multilingual Galician center, the Official School of Languages of (EOI) A Coruña that teaches so many languages in all levels of the European Cormunity Framework. NOWHERE FEELS LIKE HOME is an intexenerational project in which the whole educational community is involved. Thus, the working languages will be English, Spanish and Portuguese. It is an intercurricular project, dealing with music, the oral tradition, food, popular science or sports and economics.
The project is co-founded by Carmen María Fernández Rodríguez, the coordinator of European projects of EOI A Coruña, who has experience in Etwinning projects and has two national and European Etwinning quality seals for projects carried out in the center. In addition, she regularly participates in Etwinning training activities and is a member of the Etwinning group “Escuelas Amigas” that promotes collaborative work between EOI teachers at state level.
The involvement of the educational community is large. The center has experience in European Projects and teachers and students from all departments will participate in this project. The EOI also has many facilities, technological means and spaces to develop activities safely.
The project will spread through the EOI website and social networks and the dissemination of the progress will be in different stages.
E.B.A Escola profissional Beira Aguieira
Como co-fundadores de este proyecto presentamos nuestra escuela. La Escuela Profesiona Beira Aguieira, es una escuela privada, vinculada a diferentes áreas de capacitación ( como técnico de restaurantes, cocina, turismo, salud, e gestión de información). Ubicado en Penacova (Coímbra), el objetivo central de EBA radica en la implementación de acciones innovadoras, cuyo objetivos es reforzar la calidad del Proyecto Educativo y darle a la institución una dinámica renovada.