We will systematically corralate the project activities with your own curriculum. This corralaiton is very important for the quality of the project.
We have integrated our project work into our Art lesson.G.4.1.4. Creates a depth effect on a two-dimensional surface.G.4.1.6. Makes three-dimensional studies using different materials.
We have integrated our project work into our Art lesson.G.4.1.1. Uses formatting steps when creating visual artwork.G.4.1.5.Uses contour line and shading techniques in his drawings based on observation.
We have integrated our project work into our Music lesson.M.4.A.1. Follows the rules of saying togetherM.4.B.3. Recognizes speed changes in songs, folk songs and game music.Mü.4.B.4. Distinguish the basic features of the learned sounds.M.4.B.5.Notices the loudness changes in the music he listens to.M.4.B.6. Distinguish the basic music writing and elements (height, duration, speed, loudness) by using information supported music technologies.
We have integrated our project work into our Human Rights Citizenship and Democracy lesson.Y.4.5.1. Questions the concept of rule.Y.4.5.2. Evaluates the effect of the rule on the relationship between freedom and right.Y.4.5.3. Evaluates the contribution of obeying the rules to social harmony and living together.
We have integrated our project work into our Social Studies lesson.SB.4.4.5. Uses technological products without harming himself, others and nature.
We have integrated our project work into our Maths lesson.M. Draws symmetry line by explaining mirror symmetry on geometric shapes and models.M. Draws the symmetry of the given shape with respect to the line.
We have integrated our project work into our Science lesson.F. Pays attention to be economical in the use of resourcesF. Realizes the importance of resources and recycling necessary for life.
We have integrated our project work into our PE lesson.BO. Plays children's games of our culture and other cultures.
We have integrated our project work into our Turkish lesson.T.4.4.10. Uses capital letters and punctuation in appropriate places.T.4.4.20.Writers in accordance with the structural features of letters.
We have integrated our project work into our English lesson.E4.2.L1. Students will be able to recognize information about other people.E4.2.L2. Students will be able to identify different people’s nationalities.E4.2.S1. Students will be able to talk about nations and nationalities.E4.2.S2. Students will be able to talk about locations of cities.
We integrated our project into the Art lesson.G.2.1.3. Çalışmasına hayallerini yansıtır. (G.2.1.3. He/She reflects his/her dreams on his work.)
We did the project activities in Arts lesson. G.2.1.9. Makes three-dimensional work using different materials. (G.2.1.9. Farklı materyalleri kullanarak üç boyutlu çalışma yapar.)
My students also expressed their opinions about other students in the project. In the Arts lesson, we had a look at the works of other students. G.2.3.2. Interprets ideas and emotions in own and peers' work.(G.2.3.2. Kendisinin ve akranlarının çalışmalarındaki fikirleri ve duyguları yorumlar.)
In the project activities, we made a great effort to use technology carefully. Also, we did many works on safer internet use. These works are related to Social Studies lesson.HB.1.4.6. Uses technological tools and equipment safely.(HB.1.4.6. Teknolojik araç ve gereçleri güvenli bir şekilde kullanır.)
Students made their own recycling bins and sorted out the wastes for recycling. This is related to the Social Science lesson.HB.1.6.5. Sorts out the materials that can be recycled.(HB.1.6.5. Geri dönüşümü yapılabilecek maddeleri ayırt eder.)
We paid attention to the school rules in group works of the project. This is related to the skills of the Social Science.HB.2.1.7. Follows the rules of working with the group in classroom and school activities.(HB.2.1.7. Sınıfta ve okulda yapılan etkinliklerde grupla çalışma kurallarına uyar.)
We integrated the project activities in the Social Science lesson. We did many activities to raise awareness to the use of internet safely.HB.2.4.5. Be sensitive about the safe use of technological tools and equipment.(HB.2.4.5. Teknolojik araç ve gereçlerin güvenli bir şekilde kullanımı konusunda duyarlı olur.)
We also integrated the project activities in the Turkish lesson.T.2.4.2. Writes poetry.T.2.4.3. Writes short texts.T.2.4.5. Supports his writings with visual elements.T.2.4.9. Leaves appropriate spacing between letters, words and sentences.T.2.4.12. Does writing exercises.T.2.4.14. Implements writing strategies
We have integrated our project work into our Life Science LessonsHB.3.6.1 Comprehend the importance of plant in terms of human life.HB.3.6.2 Researches the growing conditions of fruits and vegetables.HB.3.6.5. Takes responsibility for protecting nature and the environmentHB.3.6.6. Gives examples of the contribution of recycling to himself/herself and the environment he lives in.HB.3.2.5.It gives examples of the contribution of household appliances and technological products to our lives.HB.3.3.1. Uses resources efficiently while doing personal care.
We have integrated our project work into our Science lesson.F. Realizes the importance of the natural environment for living things.F. Suggests solutions by researching to protect the natural environment.F. It discusses the harms of battery wastes to the environment and what needs to be done in this regard.F. attention to the safe use of electricity.
We have integrated our project work into our Turkish lesson.T.3.4.13.Writers in accordance with the structural features of letters.T.3.2.1.Uses words according to their meanings.T.3.4.9.Uses drawings and visuals to enrich his/her writings.T.3.4.12.Shares what he/she wrote.T.3.4.11.Edit what he/she wrote.T.3.4.7.Uses capital letters and punctuation marks in appropriate places.T.3.2.3.Framework talks about a certain topic.
We have integrated our project work into our Maths lesson.M. the symmetrical figure given a part according to the vertical or horizontal symmetry line.M. Specifies the cube, square prism, rectangular prism, cylinder models.
We have integrated our project work into our Art lesson.G.3.1.4.Uses geometric and organic forms in his observational drawings.G.3.1.6.Makes three-dimensional studies using different materials.G.3.2.2.Compares works of art belonging to his own culture and other cultures.G.3.3.7.Knows the ethical rules in the field of art.
We have integrated our project work into our PE lesson.BO. preparations for holidays, celebrations and ceremonies.BO. cooperation skills in games and physical activities.