My Message to the Future


                               Dear ALL,

           In this activitiy our students will prepare videos,animations  or some visual presentations about their messages to the future generations .

    I have designed a padlet for this activity .

    After ALL the partners have finished the presentations and shared them on the padlet we can prepare a co-created video presentation padlet with them .This will be a collaborative activity for the project.

    In the padlet (Our school Gazi MTAL )we have a message about nature and environmet protection.You can point out  some other different subjects and  problems we all face to and leave  your message to future generations .We can combine all the messages on different subjects in the padlet .The presentations will make up the projects co-created vıdeo padlet .

    Here is the link where you can share your students'  performance works.

    Don't forget to write your names,school names and countries while sharing your presentations on the padlet.


               Nilüfer Şen



    Padlet ile yapıldı