Ecole Louise Michel team

  • Louise Michel school's teachers

    Hi! I'm Hélène Bundevski

    I'm a 1st grade teacher. My pupils won't be directly invested in this project but as I used to work on various Erasmus+ projects, I will participate, helping our team to develop this project. See you soon!

    Hi everyone !

    I'm Cécile and I'm 29. I'm a 4th grade teacher at Louise Michel !
    This is my 4th ERASMUS+ project i'm taking part of. So happy to do it with you !
    Besides teaching, i like sewing, running, travelling and going out with my friends for a drink !

    Justine Hautot

    Hello, I’m Justine and I’m a 3rd grade primary school teacher. I am very concerned about the environment and ecology, these subjects are already part of my everyday teaching. I am very looking forward working with everyone !

    Hi ! I'm Aline Hanquier

    I'm a 5th grade teacher at Louise Michel. I like talking about the environnement and ecology with my class. I'm happy to take part of the Erasmus + project.