Feelings' students about the mobility

  • //When I say that, the students who took part in this project have been nothing but exceptional, not only as colleagues, but also as friends, please trust me that I speak the plain truth. To think that I have met these brilliant students is truly an honor. Not to mention the wonderful places that the Reunion Island have presented us with and its magnificent views, makes me wonder how I managed to miss it on all the maps I have encountered. My host has been nothing but kind and while the language barrier had been a bit of a problem, it was easily overcome. However, language was not as important as the kindness they have offered me. I truly enjoyed being part of this project, and while I will not be present during the others' visit to Romania, it has been a pleasure taking part in it thus far, and I would do anything to repeat the experience.” - Robert Pivodă, grade XI B


    //La Reunion is an island in the middle of nowhere — or at least that is how my host family described it the day we met. Have I ever thought of going there? Absolutely not. Yet, here I am days following my return to Romania, still dreaming of that beautiful place of luxuriant vegetation and exotic fauna. This island is a living cultural mosaic, welcoming to all, and I enjoyed every bit of it: from the way people smile on the streets, the Sun’s rays reflecting off the ocean’s waves, and how even if we seem so different, we sing the same songs and dance to the same music.

    Living in another house for a week is always strange, being in a stranger's house for a week was more than I could ever find myself doing, and yet it only took us approximately half an hour until the conversation and questions were flooding and each one of us was learning something new.

    The Erasmus+ project P.O.L.L.E.N. offered me something I want to find in every place I go the chance to experience, learn new things, and make new friends.” - Andreea Anisia, grade XII D.


    //The mobility to La Reunuion has been far more than just a project; it has been a unique experience that exceeded all my expectations. As Mircea Eliade in “Memorii” stated: “when one sees the beauty of the nature, one’s soul becomes one with the place one is in”. Our project provided me with this opportunity! The ocean, the flowers, the volcano, all these natural wonders have shown me how great nature can be. Meeting the school students and staff from Saint Michel College and conducting all the activities have been a great way to learn something new interactively. Last but not least, I would like to thank the host families, who have made this an unforgettable experience.” Ana Dumitrache, grade XI B.


    //I was selected to be a part of the P.O.L.L.E.N. team and have worked tirelessly over the span of a year. Our labour paid off and the pandemic finally allowed mobilities to take place physically. I can't put into words what I felt when I saw my name on the list of the four students bound to leave for La Réunion. Just a month later, on the morning of 27th November, I was boarding the plane along my three colleagues and our teachers. I can say I have had the true Erasmus experience: I could freely explore the city; I spoke to many a local, learning about their culture; I made new friends; I have had a taste of local cuisine and have learned about Reunionese art. Continuous contact with French speakers has allowed me to further my knowledge of the language, picking up conversational skills. I feel as though time spent on the island had flown much slower, and I made sure to live fully every moment spent there. In my heart, I carry the image of the rising sun over the Indian Ocean and the incredible night sky lit up with southern stars; the scent of Flamboyant flowers and of corals; the tan on my skin, and in my hand, golden sand. In addition, I live with the hope that one day, maybe, I will return...” Francisc-Ioan Dâncă, grade X E


    //The fact that we could see each other physically after a long and intense year of online work is a major bonus this mobility to La Reunion has brought us! It has once again shown that the current pandemic situation has not lessened our efforts and our desire to continue our projects! An unforgettable learning experience, dedicated partners and an exotic and multicultural environment have proven to be the best recipe for this trip! Thanks to our friends from Reunion!” - prof. Claudia Portase

    //Wanderlust is an international word that describes the desire to wander, to discover. This is the general feeling that our trip to LA Reunion has awakened for both teachers and students alike. Luxurious vegetation, incredible places still untouched by the people, the beauty and the power of destruction of the nature, tasty dishes, passionate people, and a willingness to communicate and share the culture: this is what our trip has offered us.

    This trip has taught us the importance of working together and being supportive of one another but perhaps the most important is that we have learned to value the beauty that nature provides us.” - prof. Bianca Raftu

    Feedback Mindy.pdf

    Maël, France.pdf

    Feedback Clara.pdf

    Feedback Timéo.pdf