AE Camilo Castelo Branco, Portugal
Escola Luís de Camões
Escola de Avidos e Lagoa
Escola Júlio Brandão
AE Frei João - Escola Bento de Freitas, Portugal
CPEIP Huertas Mayores, Spain
Spojená škola internátna, Slovakia
Project Plan and Calendar
1. A logo for our project
2. Our Christmas Cards
3. The gestures we use in the classroom
4. Calendar
5. Videoconferences
6. Diversity sheets
Our Inclusive Sheet
Project dissemination
Project evaluation
Students' evaluation
Analize the evaluation results
5. Videoconferences
Online meetings
Down syndrome day
Thank you for a very amusing time we had all together.
Down syndrome day - "Borboleta Azul" performance
Down syndrome day - "O som das cores" performance
April 27 online activity
Júlio Brandão students
Bento de Freitas school - Rancho da Praça performance
Luís de Camões preschool class
Spanish students
Team online meeeting to adjust project timeline due to the pandemic
Final online meeting
Analize the evaluation results