Project Plan and Calendar



    • Each school present themselves to the partner countries (teachers and pupils); 

    • Through the year, video calls will be made between schools through the zoom platform, where each group of students will share a learning experience;

    •  November: create a logo for our project and vote;

    •  December: send each others Christmas postcards done by the pupils, where they represent their culture and where they live; An album, book or video with gestures that we use in the classroom with our special needs students;

    • January: a calendar with prompts and gestures about our project;

    • February: share different activities that show each other cultural heritage (music, dance, tell a story..);

    • March: from each school, will customize small squares of fabric and send to partner schools. Each school will sew the squares that will form an inclusive sheet, to be exposed at the entrance of each school. These sheets will represent UNITY IN DIVERSITY; CHANGED TO MAY-JUNE DUE TO COVID

    • April: A story for our project; CANCELLED DUE TO COVID

    • May: Evaluation. CHANGED TO JUNE