Sweet recipes

  • Here we give you our favorite sweet recipes.

    Hello etwinners ! This is Kindergarten  of Ploiesti Romania. -teacher Coman Florica

    Hello etwinners! This is 1st primary school of Vartholomio. This is our schoolmade LASSARAKIA, a greek delight during greek orthodox lent



    And here is our recipe and instructions



    Lemon Cake recipe... 

    Yum Yum ! We'll have to try it ! Sweet vitamins... (Dominique Ducamus, Paris, France)

    I made a French translation for my pupils to be able to read it, here it is :                     

    Here is our Sweet truffle hedgehog recipe.... 


      The making of the cake....

      English recipe

    Here is a traditional french recipe : Twelfth Night Cake ("Galette des rois").

    English recipe

    French recipe

    Grands with Gwenaëlle and Sandie and Petits-Moyens with Amélie, la Tombe Issoire, Paris, France


    Here is our automn recipe : the chestnut cake.

    To have a look at the pupils when preparing the cake, go  here :

    Here is the recipe in English : in French



    For Christmas, we cooked "mendiants" (which means "beggars") with my young pupils.

    Here is the recipe.

    in English  in French

                Petits-Moyens with Amélie Tran, la Tombe Issoire, Paris, France