Summary of Teachers' Meetings

  • Summary of Meetings  (Link to google doc)

    Online Meeting 3- Teachers Group D

    Date: 16th April 2021

    Time: 19:00-19:30

    Location: Google Meet

    Participants: Giacinta Fogli and Marie Louise Paterson


    1. Discussing the students' responses to our e-mails

    2. Deciding the agenda for next plenary

    - Welcoming the students and asking their impressions about their collaboration work

    - Groups 1-3-5 present their works

    - Group 2 and 4 show what they have been doing or what they mean to do

    - New proposals/activities will be discussed

    Online Meeting 2- Teachers Group D

    Date: 16th March 2021

    Time: 18:45-19:20

    Location: Google Meet

    Participants: Giacinta Fogli and Marie Louise Paterson


    1. Discussing the students' responses to our e-mails

    2. Deciding the agenda for next plenary

    3. Agreeing what to say to the teachers' meeting

    - At the beginning the teacheras are going to ask if the students' pictures may be published 

    1. The teachers go through each subgroup and check that they have started working even if only some of them have answered to the teachers' e-mail of the 9th of March: Gr. 1, 4 and 5.

    The teachers agree that subgroup 3 is not very active, therefore during next plenary meeting with Group D teachers and students the decision of cancelling it may be taken.

    2. Next plenary Agenda

    - Starting with a video about the role of Agencies: (Giacinta)

    - Marie Louise introduces EMA

    - The students are going to answer to a Questionnaire about their experience about this project

    _ Instructions will be given to allow the subgroups to prepare their products (PPTs, Genially, Powtoon, Book Creator etc.)

    3. Giacinta and Marie Louise agree that Giacinta is starting the meeting and act as a moderator while Marie Louise is going to explain the state of the art of Group D 




    Online Meeting 1- Teachers Group D

    Date: 9th March 2021

    Time: 18:00-19:00 (CET Time)

    Location: Google Meet

    Participants: Giacinta Fogli and Marie Louise Paterson

    Participants: Giacinta Fogli and Marie Louise Paterson


    • Checking problems and solving them
    • Evaluating last meeting with students
    • Planning next steps and next meeting

    Participants: Giacinta Fogli and Marie Louise Paterson


    • Checking problems and solving them
    • Evaluating last meeting with students
    • Planning next steps and next meeting


    -Giacinta and Marie check and assess that “Julian” is not a student taking part to the project;

                  Marie is going to share Laerke’s profile so the leader of her group can

                  communicate with twinmail with her

    -Giacinta and Marie agree that last meeting was a little bit stressful because of the little time that Giacinta had. They agree that more emphasis is to be put on what is working and that our students need a little bit more help.

    -Giacinta and Marie are writing to the groups (Giacinta to GR.1-2; Marie to GR.3-4-5) tonight in order to suggest the students to share their communications on Twinmail with the teachers-tutors.

                   Next GR.D teachers’ meeting on the 16th of March at 18:45 before the plenary                     with all the teachers at 19:30.


    Online Meeting  –  Teachers Group A


    Date:2nd February 2021

    Time: 14.00 -15.00 (Brussels time)

    Location: Google Meet


    Participants: Antonella, Daniela, Emma.


    Agenda Items:

    • Scheduling first meeting
    • Planning the meeting
    • Follow-up


    The first meeting for group A is on Tuesday, 9th February 2021, at 3.00 p.m. (Brussels Time) on the eTwinning platform. Should we have technical problems, Emma will provide us with a link to Google Meet.


    The meeting will aim at:

    • Getting to know each other;
    • Forming transnational sub-teams (4), possibly including representatives of different schools/ countries;
    • Setting up rules and maintaining a communication system;
    • Brainstorming / sharing ideas on how to present the topic, possibly through more engaging, interactive ways with a view to a wider dissemination of the results to the other groups (eg. Games like Kahoot, Quizzlet etc.)
    • Agreement on work planning / deadlines;


    Considering that the aim of the project is to get the students closer to the European Parliament, we discussed the possibility to get in touch with the European Youth Parliament, which is the “young” counterpart of the institutional one, as a follow-up activity. We will ask to put this point on the Agenda of the next meeting to be discussed with the whole project team, but for a more immediate feedback we will open a thread on the teachers’ forum.


    Summary by Antonella


    Friday 5th February


    Online Meeting  –  Teachers Group E


    Date:2nd February 2021

    Time: 11.00 -11.30 (Brussels time)

    Location: WEBEX


    Participants: Mina, Aspasia, Kostas and Pavlos.



    Agenda Items:

    • Scheduling first meeting
    • Planning the meeting
    • Follow-up


    The first meeting for group E is on Friday, 12th February 2021, at 12.00 p.m. (Brussels Time) on the eTwinning platform. Should we have technical problems, we will have a link to ZOOM. Or Saturday 13th February 2021 at 12.00 p.m.


    The meeting will aim at:


    • Agreement on work planning / deadlines;


    Considering that the aim of the project is to get the students closer to the European Parliament, we discussed the possibility to get in touch with the European Office in each country to contact a European Member of Parliament and get a ZOOM meeting or an online interview.


    Team E


      Friday 12th-12.00 p.m Saturday 13th -12.00 p.m
    3rd Gel Argyroupolis   v V
    Panormitio Junior High School and Lyceum, Symi    v  
    Ekonomska škola Požega, Požega,  Croatia   v  

    IES Francisco Salzillo,

    Alcantarilla Spain

    "Manfredo Fanti" Italy   V
    "Ludovico Ariosto", Ferrara, Italy V  
    Jacobus Fruytier Scholengemeenschap, Apeldoorn, Netherlands   v  
     "Grigore C. Moisil",Buzau, Romania    V
     "Manfredo Fanti", Carpi , Italy  V  


    Summary by Mina



    Online Meeting – Teachers & Students Group A


    Date: 22nd February 2021

    Time: 15.00-16.30 (Brussels time)

    Location: Google Meet


    Participants: Antonella, Daniela, Eftichia, Emma, Magda, students from

    group A


    Agenda items:

    • Improving communication among students
    • Work progress
    • Planning new activities: collaboration with the European Youth Parliament (EYP)


    Considering the difficulties faced by the students to get in touch and work together, the teachers  

    suggested some basic rules for keeping contact, such as checking emails daily and answering messages in the forum. To help less experienced pupils find their way in the Twinspace, a quick virtual tour of the site was given to show pupils how to move around and where to post material.

    Magda asked each sub-group to set up clear instructions in the forum for the various activities as guidelines in particular for the students who couldn’t join the meeting.


    Work continued in small groups, in different virtual rooms, where the pupils kept on working on the games to be prepared.

    Namely, sub-group 1 focused on the European Parliament’s historical background and finished their game with "genially";

    Subgroup 2 worked on crosswords concerning the organization and cooperation within the EP and important MEPs;

    Subgroups 3 and 4 worked on two Kahoots, respectively on Member States and history.


    At the end of the meeting the spokespersons of each group updated the teachers on the status of the work and a deadline was set for the end of the week.


    As for the collaboration with EYP, already discussed in the previous meeting, Emma suggested, as a first activity,  5 questions to be prepared by the students to interview some representatives of the EYP from different countries.

    After discussing previous experiences with similar organizations (Eftichia) and looking for EYP contact people in other countries (Daniela), the teachers decided to tackle this topic with the rest of the international team in the next meeting.


    Summary by Antonella



    Online Meeting - teachers group A


    Date: 8th March 2021

    Time: 15.00-15.45 CET time

    Location: Google Meet


    Participants: Antonella, Daniela, Emma


    Agenda items:

    • Work progress
    • Planning the meeting with European Youth Parliament (EYP)


    After checking the state of work concerning the creation of quizzes and crosswords, the teachers agree on giving the end of the week as deadline for the uploading of the final products.


    As for the collaboration with the EYP, Antonella and Daniela report on the results of their contacts with the EYP staff. Daniela confirms the willingness of Alex Raicu, former president of the Romanian EYP, to participate in a meeting with the students. Antonella got in touch with the staff of the Italian EYP, who are also happy to give their contribute to the project. The date of the meeting will be confirmed in a few days after listening to the participants’ needs.


    Talking about the meeting, Emma suggests the students should prepare 5 questions to be shared and selected in the Forum, for the Delegates to find out more about the EYP. Another option could be a first introduction to the association by the European Delegates themselves.

    A final decision will be taken after discussing it with the Delegates.


    Summary by Antonella