0. Calendar

  • MIMS: Multiple Intelligences in Mathematics and Science

    0. Calendar, Address of Partners, Useful links, Certificates


    School and partners presentation (Video or Power Point or prezi), Prezi or Padlet to get to know each other’s. ~Let's introduce our schools, ~ Let's introduce ourselves.

    2.November: (Naturalistic)

    Discover our towns through mathematical puzzles included in a Google map. ~ Let's discover our regions.

    Multiple Intelligences tests

    3.December: (Musical)

    Students record a song with some notions learned. Bonus: students present a traditional carol in their country

    4.January: (Verbal)

    Presentation of our regions by creating a crossword with questions about water reservoirs of our region. AND prepare flyers for the WORLD WATER DAY, March 22nd (SEE October in the tables below)

    5.February: (Interpersonal and Intrapersonal)

    Logo contest. Create a logo about Mathematics or Science. Chat!

    6.March: (Visual)

    Create a Glog. Students will  express their views about math, about the importance of mathematics in their lives, about the links of mathematics with other areas.

    7.April: (Logical and Kinaesthetic)

    Create mind maps about mathematical vocabulary in English, using online or paper dictionaries. Create a mascot of recyclable materials (Students will make a video in which will present the mascot and their ecologic message for 22 April, Earth Day)


    Evaluation, dissemination