La goma - Spain

  • This popular game consists of doing different jumps, turns... at different heights, often accompanied by songs. It is only necessary a rubber band to play. In the past, it was very common to see, kids, playing in the streets, squares  and in their home.

    We'd like to show you how do we play rubber band, in Spanish we say "la goma", we have recorded two videos: in the first one you can see us playing in our gym during the Physical Education lesson, it was very challenging, the second video shows a poster we have made in the English classroom with drawings and the instructions to play other "rubber band games". Do you play rubber band in your countries? Are your rubber band games the same? We hope you enjoy as much as us playing rubber band!

    English explanation 


    This is the song: "Chicle más chicle, más chicle americano, que se estira que se encoge, que se pisa, que se sale."